[Serban_b] President of Switzerland

Day 1,140, 17:58 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Serban_b
Many people before vote have a simple question "Who do I vote for?" and don't want extensive descriptions, for them I prepared one simple answer. Changing the balance of power will be a long hard fight. the people of Switzerland have a choice to make-- do they want to make a difference or keep things the same?

How you already know I am the candidate proposed by Swiss Union for Advancement for presidential seat of Switzerland. The Swiss Union for Advancement is the largest party in Swiss and the winner of last congress election with 13 congress members. Currently I represent Graubunden in Congress for second time and I am playing eRepublik for 380 days. In my last term as congress member I propose 2 laws, both accepted. I am ready to use all my knowledge accumulated so far in favor of Switzerland.

To bring more fun in this game and to lead the country to succes.
I am here to bring all together as an Union, I am aware that if we want advancement I need to cooperate both with Cifford Burns and Walther Rathenau representatives of SCB, AEP and SNP and with F4uc0n, SNB, SLP and SFP(currently PTOed) but I will not cooperate with Koza Nostra, their purpose in Switzerland is insidious and should be treated as such. In last few days Cifford Burns and Walther Rathenau demonstrate that they control Swiss monetary market so for prosperity he need to cooperate.

Political module. Now our advancement is prevented also by problems in Congress. I propose myself to bring politicans closer and have a strong majority that will facilitate new reforms. To prevent this, I want to make a permanent council where all experienced eSwiss citizens will help to take major decisions, along with the country’s ministers.

We need to make a 1 month budget where we incorporate all our outgoings and what we collect. This budget will be discussed with council, goverment and congress members.

Some baby steps was taken about „Welcome cometee” but we need to expand, to make a well-known, independently organisms. New citizen needs to know some basic stuff. We don’t have very many new players so we have to take care of them. Most of them don’t know what is important.

I didn't set any goals because my goals are very high and maybe cosidered exaggerated but I believ in them and I am sure if I will be elected I will accomplish them. You can read more in this interview with me http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/interview-with-serban-b-1615160/1/20 and http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/interview-mit-serban-b-swiss-union-for-advancement--1625022/1/20 . In this month, since my last candidacy, have happened many things. I was always with Switzerland.

I want to pull an alarm about others candidates. milanlazetic is a serbian PTOer you can read here how he bought SNP and AEP support. He was supported by Koza Nostra, declared Serbian PTOer until they realise mistake and they support their usual candidate Mony CRO. Both milanlazetic and Mony CRO ran for president in past. Milanlazetic win 7 votes and Mony CRO 22. BlackHawk999 have currently PTO SLP and he support SNP and AEP. None of the three not actively participate on forum, chat, article or any other kind of cumunication.

PTO - Political Takeover (coup) - a highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever or cowardly action or accomplishment, relating to or pertaining to politics.
AEP - Alti Eidgenossenschafts Partei, president is Clifford Burns
SNP - Swiss Neutrality Party, president Walther Rathenau
SLP - Swiss Liberal Party PTO by BlackHawk999
SFP - Swiss Freedom Party PTO by MasterDi
KOZA NOSTRA Switzerland - an official Serbian PTO organization, you can read more here
SCB - Swiss Confederation Bank, one of Swiss bank controlled by Clifford Burns and Walther Rathenau
SNB - Swiss Nationai Bank, other Swiss bank controlled by F4uc0n