[SE Council] Win Free Weapons!

Day 662, 08:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South East Council
The following as a reprint of a previous article written by Stefan1992 in his newspaper. There have been some edits, because now the South East Council runs this programme.

Wow! Free weapons? That's right!

Every week, a lottery will be held, in which three lucky winners will receive Q1 weapons. The best part is, there is no cost to enter! So what is the catch? There are some criteria you need to meet.

1) You are living in the South East
2) You are on the UK Forums

On the UK forums, you need to send a message to Not Quite As One, so that I know you are on the forums. Once you do that, you will be added to the drawing. The following link has other details regarding the lottery: http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=16628 (link doesn't want to work on this, sorry). You can find the South East section under the Regional section (It's actually called South East of England, but we all call it South East). Do not send me a message on eRepublik, as this will not count.

1st prize: 3 Q1 weapons
2nd prize: 2 Q1 weapons
3rd Prize: 1 Q1 weapons.

These prizes may change in the coming weeks based on the amount of participation. The drawing will be held every Sunday evening.

Finally, here is a recap as to how to fight. You must be at level 5 and have 40 or more wellness to fight. The South East has a Q5 hospital (the best you can get). This means you can fight 5 times, and then heal. If your wellness is low, fight once, heal, and stop, and you will gain 40 wellness instantly! A problem many people have is actually locating the hospital. I have probably gotten around a dozen messages asking where the hospital is at. There are two ways: After you fight, at the bottom left is a button saying back to battlefield. Click that, then towards the top centre is a hospital button. Click that, then use the hospital. Another way is to go to Info, Social stats, South East (of England) and then heal. Remember, you can only use the hospital once a day, and you need to fight at least once to use it.

If you have any questions or comments, just send the South East Council a message.

Good luck!