[SE Council] Need Wellness? We Can Help!

Day 667, 07:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South East Council

Are you tired of being fired by your employer? Are you disappointed that you can’t fight because you are below 40 wellness? Are you wasting your money by buying high quality food in an attempt to increase your wellness? There is a solution to these problems!

The South East Council is proud to present our latest programme: South East Gifting. This gives the opportunity for South East citizens whose wellness has dropped below 40 a chance to increase it, absolutely free! However, there are a few things that you need to do to be qualified for this.

You need to be living in the South East
You need to have less than 40 wellness.
You need to be on the UK Forums.

Here is how you can get your free wellness: Once you go onto the UK forums, you need to send a message to Hazzerd, asking for wellness. If you meet the qualifications, you will receive 10 wellness, or the amount you need to reach 40 wellness if it is less than 10. For example, if you have 35 wellness, you will be gifted 5 times. We can only give out 10 a day, as this is the limit a person can be gifted. You can also read this thread for more info: http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=19733 (sorry, links to threads on the UK forums never seem to work.) We hope to be able to give out the gifts within 24 hours of your request.

Why only up to 40 wellness? Because once you reach 40 wellness, you can fight in battles. The United Kingdom participates in a training war between Latvia and Lithuania. You lose 10 wellness for each fight you do. What you will do is fight in that battle ONCE, and then heal at the hospital. The South East has a Q5 hospital, which means you will be healed 50 wellness. For example, if you have 40 wellness, you will fight once, making your wellness go to 30. You go to the hospital (this can be found by clicking the “back to battlefield” button in the bottom left of the fight summary), and heal, giving you a total of 80 wellness! If you are having troubles finding the hospital, go to Info, Social stats, South East of England, and heal.

The reason we can only provide this service to the South East is because our resources are limited. The South East Council has a company it runs called South East Gifting. We can only provide as much gifts as the company produces. While excess gifts are sold on the marketplace to keep the company financially stabalised, we still welcome any monetary donations.

While I’m on the topic of donations, I want to thank the people who made this financially possible. Horice P Fossil, as we all know has been unfairly banned, founded the South East Council, using his own money. He gave a total of 10 gold and 17 GBP to the South East Council. Stefan1992 gave a total of 20 gold, which was used to create this newspaper and the South East Gifting company. He, along with his company, gave a total of 419.20 GBP to this organisation. Graham Fortune has given the South East Council 100 GBP.

On a final note, I want to remind you of the Q1 weapons drawing, which is held every Sunday evening. You can find more info in our last article. Also, even if you are not in the South East, I still want to encourage you to join the UK Forums.

The South East Council