[RTM-INQ #6] Capzilla for Iron and Wine PP

Day 755, 09:52 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Capzilla
http://content.capsi.com/rtminq/0755-01.jpg" />

p1. Capzilla for Iron & Wine PP

The recent outrage against eRepublik's attempt to monetise the game by charging gold for faster upgrades has left me with one conclusion: most users have never had to pay for web server hosting bills, let alone a dedicated cluster of servers. To appeal to that audience, I'm opening this article about my party president candicacy with a picture of an underaged girl dressed up as a unicorn.

Back to the issue at han😛 tomorrow I'm running for party president of Iron & Wine. Why should Iron & Wine members vote for me as their new party president?

I'm an active player

Since my birth, admittedly not too long ago, I haven't missed a day of training or work. I became active on IRC and the forums within days. I have computer access 9-5 daily from work, stay up late and can even handle basic tasks from my mobile. I'm a 24/7 citizen both RL and IG. With this newspaper, The Rotterdam Inquirer, I've become the self-proclaimed and de facto mayor of eRotterdam, bringing some extra identity and motivation to the game with a wink.

I understand the 'e' in eRepublik.

The 'e' in eRepublik stands for electronic communication. I believe that, to build a community, we should attempt to increase the number of methods in which we can communicate.

As party president, I'll ensure several methods to contact me with questions about Iron & Wine. Besides in-game methods, IRC and the forums, I'll publish my Twitter and Facebook accounts to all citizens. Congress members and other party presidents even get my private telephone number to send text messages to in case I need to be alerted immediately. I'll attempt to set up guidelines for better communication both inside the party and eventually nationwide.

As ICT hero, I'll actively come up with ways to modernise party management and communication such as automated strategic voting orders (when desired).

I'm a fast learner

Giving me the opportunity to learn more aspects of the game broadens our party's overall knowledge. I'm quick to discover new aspects of the game and giving my computer and math experience will find a way we can benefit from these aspects in no-time.

A vote for me, Capzilla, is a vote for the future!

That said, good luck to ChristiaanB94. May the best candidate win!