[Romania][Hungary] Military Stats

Day 968, 13:30 Published in Romania Romania by Bogdan_L

This article is based on the new damage formula


As you can see the influence of the skillLevel is between 1 and 2.
W is the weapon's basic damage (infantry-10, air-10, artillery-12, tanks-14), but only if you use weapons that give you 100% ammunition (Q4s,Q5s). The influence of the ammunition percentage is much higher(from 0 to 14) than the influence of the skill. In top of that you have the boosters.

Here you can see how the damage is changing depending on the skill, level and ammunition.

Let's take the example of RupeTot(biggest strength in v1) and any new citizen (Captain, strength 5). Not like Rupe Tot is so much special anymore, even me coming into the game more than 1 year after RupeTot I have exactly the same damage like his. But this is not the point.

The point is that all the old great fighters, those making a lot of impact in v1 will be just regular citizens. Doesn't matter how much time they spent/spend into the game, doesn't matter how hard they trained daily, some for years, doesn't matter if they are legends, their damage will be almost irrelevant.

In v1, the biggest hit of RupeTot was 910 points. For the regular 5 fights, RupeTot(4030 dmg) was valued 13 times better than the damage of the Captain-strength 5 (310 dmg). Besides that, if RupeTot spent 10min to tank the regular 40 wellness packages, he brought his damage around 40k, 130 times more than the 5 fights of any Captain-strength 5 fighting with Q5 🙂.

In v2 same RupeTot will have a basic damage of 28. The ex Captain-Strength5, now SharpShooter-Level5 will be valued at 19.6 So the difference between RupeTot and the Captain went from 13 times to 1.42 times. Sure, RupeTot has still the chance to use his wellness packages, fighting for 2 hours and a half(!), clicking and selecting at every 2 minutes(!!), beating 40 SharpShooters-Level5 or maybe even higher ranks (it's true not 130 like in v1). This is only if RupeTot is using Q5 weapons. Because if he uses Q1 or intermediate, his damage will drop from 28 to 19.6(with weapon 70%damage) or even lower to 4.2 with a weapon 15% damage. But it is safe to say that RupeTot(Field Marshal-Level 11) with a weapon 70%damage(ammunition) will just match the SharpShooter-Level5 using a weapon 100%damage.

Do you see the point? All the old empires based on not so many citizens but great fighters will value none. All the countries bringing baby-booms will be on top. Who has the most fighters will have a great advantage. The individual that brings the big weapons will be the best on the battlefield. The skill and rank won't matter too much. It is true that some strategy movements would make the difference for balanced forces, but only in this case.

I understand the idea behind that, bringing more people into the game and motivate them is the normal way. But what would motivate a great fighter like RupeTot or one fighter not even close to him, like me?

RupeTot was just an example, there are hundreds of great fighters, heros that will follow the same path. The impact of the great heroes is gone. Basically the history won't count, the game it's just for future, it gives everybody the chance to beat BatalGazi or Durruti (you name it). Even a citizen 24 days old, like Sharp-Shooter.

But don't forget the bright side: In Player vs Player military module, to take your opponent down you will have the same number of fights like him or one more, depending on who's attacking first. That means the winner will bring more damage than the theoretical one.

One of the biggest rivalry in v1 was Hungary vs Romania.

Romania's military stats (the total damage was calculated by adding one hit for each fighter)

dmgQ1 - it means fighting with 20% ammunition
dmgQ5 - it means fighting with 100% ammunition

Citizens: 10175
Citizens_wellness bigger than 90: 5251(51.61 😵, DamageQ1: 16.29 k
Citizens_wellness bigger than 80: 6294(61.86 😵, DamageQ1: 19.23 k
Citizens_wellness bigger than 40: 10116(99.42 😵, DamageQ1: 28.42 k


Rifle: 4172 fighters, 10,818.00 dmgQ1, 72,041.00 dmgQ5

Greenhorn: 29 fighters, well: 80.46, happ: 71.45, 58.00 dmgQ1, 290.00 dmgQ5
Hotshot: 436 fighters, well: 75.45, happ: 73.82, 1,202.00 dmgQ1, 6,882.00 dmgQ5
Marksman: 568 fighters, well: 80.65, happ: 73.00, 1,509.00 dmgQ1, 9,249.00 dmgQ5
Sharp Shooter: 757 fighters, well: 85.34, happ: 75.62, 1,931.00 dmgQ1, 13,100.00 dmgQ5
Professional: 1394 fighters, well: 89.55, happ: 81.02, 3,432.00 dmgQ1, 24,774.00 dmgQ5
Expert: 447 fighters, well: 93.71, happ: 85.53, 1,038.00 dmgQ1, 8,016.00 dmgQ5
Ranger: 292 fighters, well: 95.19, happ: 88.34, 901.00 dmgQ1, 5,139.00 dmgQ5
Nemesis: 147 fighters, well: 94.96, happ: 88.16, 441.00 dmgQ1, 2,646.00 dmgQ5
Veteran: 95 fighters, well: 94.37, happ: 88.07, 285.00 dmgQ1, 1,805.00 dmgQ5
Veteran1: 7 fighters, well: 97.41, happ: 90.86, 21.00 dmgQ1, 140.00 dmgQ5

Tank: 1739 fighters, 6,364.00 dmgQ1, 41,754.00 dmgQ5

Greenhorn: 8 fighters, well: 76.81, happ: 72.63, 16.00 dmgQ1, 112.00 dmgQ5
Hotshot: 33 fighters, well: 82.77, happ: 67.73, 99.00 dmgQ1, 561.00 dmgQ5
Marksman: 44 fighters, well: 85.80, happ: 70.70, 132.00 dmgQ1, 792.00 dmgQ5
Sharp Shooter: 91 fighters, well: 89.62, happ: 76.25, 273.00 dmgQ1, 1,820.00 dmgQ5
Professional: 218 fighters, well: 93.11, happ: 80.73, 654.00 dmgQ1, 4,578.00 dmgQ5
Expert: 190 fighters, well: 94.31, happ: 83.52, 570.00 dmgQ1, 4,180.00 dmgQ5
Ranger: 308 fighters, well: 94.39, happ: 86.22, 1,232.00 dmgQ1, 7,392.00 dmgQ5
Nemesis: 339 fighters, well: 94.37, happ: 86.11, 1,356.00 dmgQ1, 8,475.00 dmgQ5
Veteran: 380 fighters, well: 94.82, happ: 86.28, 1,520.00 dmgQ1, 10,260.00 dmgQ5
Veteran1: 128 fighters, well: 95.21, happ: 83.39, 512.00 dmgQ1, 3,584.00 dmgQ5

Artillery: 564 fighters, 1,678.00 dmgQ1, 11,373.00 dmgQ5

Greenhorn: 3 fighters, well: 92.44, happ: 90.00, 6.00 dmgQ1, 36.00 dmgQ5
Hotshot: 9 fighters, well: 85.66, happ: 65.11, 18.00 dmgQ1, 126.00 dmgQ5
Marksman: 11 fighters, well: 85.26, happ: 74.09, 22.00 dmgQ1, 176.00 dmgQ5
Sharp Shooter: 27 fighters, well: 92.82, happ: 82.26, 81.00 dmgQ1, 459.00 dmgQ5
Professional: 86 fighters, well: 93.05, happ: 77.95, 258.00 dmgQ1, 1,548.00 dmgQ5
Expert: 74 fighters, well: 93.27, happ: 84.53, 222.00 dmgQ1, 1,406.00 dmgQ5
Ranger: 138 fighters, well: 94.06, happ: 86.31, 414.00 dmgQ1, 2,760.00 dmgQ5
Nemesis: 115 fighters, well: 94.02, happ: 88.11, 345.00 dmgQ1, 2,530.00 dmgQ5
Veteran: 92 fighters, well: 94.37, happ: 86.79, 276.00 dmgQ1, 2,116.00 dmgQ5
Veteran1: 9 fighters, well: 95.20, happ: 88.44, 36.00 dmgQ1, 216.00 dmgQ5

Air Unit: 1448 fighters, 5,194.00 dmgQ1, 34,039.00 dmgQ5

Greenhorn: 12 fighters, well: 86.94, happ: 76.58, 24.00 dmgQ1, 168.00 dmgQ5
Hotshot: 39 fighters, well: 82.59, happ: 64.08, 117.00 dmgQ1, 663.00 dmgQ5
Marksman: 32 fighters, well: 88.49, happ: 69.19, 96.00 dmgQ1, 576.00 dmgQ5
Sharp Shooter: 94 fighters, well: 91.25, happ: 70.63, 282.00 dmgQ1, 1,880.00 dmgQ5
Professional: 234 fighters, well: 94.29, happ: 82.05, 702.00 dmgQ1, 4,914.00 dmgQ5
Expert: 175 fighters, well: 94.69, happ: 85.95, 525.00 dmgQ1, 3,850.00 dmgQ5
Ranger: 265 fighters, well: 94.26, happ: 85.16, 1,060.00 dmgQ1, 6,360.00 dmgQ5
Nemesis: 273 fighters, well: 95.10, happ: 86.85, 1,092.00 dmgQ1, 6,825.00 dmgQ5
Veteran: 269 fighters, well: 95.05, happ: 88.07, 1,076.00 dmgQ1, 7,263.00 dmgQ5
Veteran1: 55 fighters, well: 94.26, happ: 77.75, 220.00 dmgQ1, 1,540.00 dmgQ5

Citizens: 7923
Total dmgQ1:
Total dmgQ5:

As you can see there are around 2000 cititzens that didn't fight even once.

To bring more into perspective let's see the Hungary's military stats. It is true that Hungary has 1200 croatian citizens, so their damage would be a little bit lower.

Citizens: 17282
Citizens_wellness bigger than 90: 6982(40.40 😵, DamageQ1: 21.55 k
Citizens_wellness bigger than 80: 8509(49.24 😵, DamageQ1: 25.81 k
Citizens_wellness bigger than 40: 17226(99.68 😵, DamageQ1: 47.02 k

Citizenship Report: 17282
1. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Hungary.gif" />Hungary 13817
2. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Croatia.gif" />Croatia 1203
3. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Poland.gif" />Poland 757
4. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Spain.gif" />Spain 340
5. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/France.gif" />France 333
6. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Czech-Republic.gif" />Czech Republic 113
7. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Belgium.gif" />Belgium 64
8. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Serbia.gif" />Serbia 55
9. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/USA.gif" />USA 40
10. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif" />Indonesia 38


Rifle: 7070 fighters, 19,031.00 dmgQ1, 124,797.00 dmgQ5

Greenhorn: 67 fighters, well: 75.77, happ: 73.16, 134.00 dmgQ1, 670.00 dmgQ5
Hotshot: 940 fighters, well: 74.58, happ: 71.65, 2,642.00 dmgQ1, 15,090.00 dmgQ5
Marksman: 1336 fighters, well: 77.19, happ: 70.58, 3,618.00 dmgQ1, 22,098.00 dmgQ5
Sharp Shooter: 1375 fighters, well: 79.96, happ: 74.50, 3,670.00 dmgQ1, 24,770.00 dmgQ5
Professional: 1973 fighters, well: 84.69, happ: 79.79, 5,205.00 dmgQ1, 37,149.00 dmgQ5
Expert: 641 fighters, well: 90.86, happ: 85.63, 1,539.00 dmgQ1, 11,798.00 dmgQ5
Ranger: 311 fighters, well: 94.42, happ: 88.40, 941.00 dmgQ1, 5,343.00 dmgQ5
Nemesis: 250 fighters, well: 94.88, happ: 90.60, 751.00 dmgQ1, 4,507.00 dmgQ5
Veteran: 168 fighters, well: 95.87, happ: 91.39, 504.00 dmgQ1, 3,192.00 dmgQ5
Veteran1: 9 fighters, well: 94.67, happ: 94.44, 27.00 dmgQ1, 180.00 dmgQ5

Tank: 2051 fighters, 7,345.00 dmgQ1, 48,367.00 dmgQ5

Greenhorn: 24 fighters, well: 78.29, happ: 69.38, 48.00 dmgQ1, 336.00 dmgQ5
Hotshot: 45 fighters, well: 81.17, happ: 76.58, 135.00 dmgQ1, 765.00 dmgQ5
Marksman: 73 fighters, well: 85.06, happ: 68.04, 219.00 dmgQ1, 1,314.00 dmgQ5
Sharp Shooter: 153 fighters, well: 88.77, happ: 76.83, 459.00 dmgQ1, 3,060.00 dmgQ5
Professional: 344 fighters, well: 91.93, happ: 82.00, 1,032.00 dmgQ1, 7,224.00 dmgQ5
Expert: 196 fighters, well: 94.84, happ: 85.43, 588.00 dmgQ1, 4,312.00 dmgQ5
Ranger: 299 fighters, well: 94.74, happ: 87.13, 1,196.00 dmgQ1, 7,176.00 dmgQ5
Nemesis: 358 fighters, well: 95.29, happ: 90.23, 1,432.00 dmgQ1, 8,950.00 dmgQ5
Veteran: 422 fighters, well: 96.26, happ: 90.94, 1,688.00 dmgQ1, 11,394.00 dmgQ5
Veteran1: 137 fighters, well: 96.95, happ: 91.26, 548.00 dmgQ1, 3,836.00 dmgQ5

Artillery: 1341 fighters, 3,968.00 dmgQ1, 26,907.00 dmgQ5

Greenhorn: 8 fighters, well: 71.90, happ: 74.88, 16.00 dmgQ1, 96.00 dmgQ5
Hotshot: 18 fighters, well: 77.42, happ: 72.22, 36.00 dmgQ1, 252.00 dmgQ5
Marksman: 35 fighters, well: 92.19, happ: 80.83, 70.00 dmgQ1, 560.00 dmgQ5
Sharp Shooter: 96 fighters, well: 88.24, happ: 77.33, 288.00 dmgQ1, 1,632.00 dmgQ5
Professional: 255 fighters, well: 91.74, happ: 83.33, 765.00 dmgQ1, 4,590.00 dmgQ5
Expert: 155 fighters, well: 94.54, happ: 88.00, 465.00 dmgQ1, 2,945.00 dmgQ5
Ranger: 231 fighters, well: 95.24, happ: 89.56, 693.00 dmgQ1, 4,620.00 dmgQ5
Nemesis: 283 fighters, well: 95.08, happ: 91.26, 849.00 dmgQ1, 6,226.00 dmgQ5
Veteran: 254 fighters, well: 96.37, happ: 92.03, 762.00 dmgQ1, 5,842.00 dmgQ5
Veteran1: 6 fighters, well: 96.90, happ: 85.83, 24.00 dmgQ1, 144.00 dmgQ5

Air Unit: 2153 fighters, 7,488.00 dmgQ1, 49,418.00 dmgQ5

Greenhorn: 15 fighters, well: 80.98, happ: 72.87, 30.00 dmgQ1, 210.00 dmgQ5
Hotshot: 36 fighters, well: 79.49, happ: 71.03, 108.00 dmgQ1, 612.00 dmgQ5
Marksman: 80 fighters, well: 82.39, happ: 65.68, 240.00 dmgQ1, 1,440.00 dmgQ5
Sharp Shooter: 237 fighters, well: 89.62, happ: 77.03, 711.00 dmgQ1, 4,740.00 dmgQ5
Professional: 456 fighters, well: 92.56, happ: 82.23, 1,368.00 dmgQ1, 9,576.00 dmgQ5
Expert: 285 fighters, well: 94.11, happ: 86.85, 855.00 dmgQ1, 6,270.00 dmgQ5
Ranger: 325 fighters, well: 95.12, happ: 89.32, 1,300.00 dmgQ1, 7,800.00 dmgQ5
Nemesis: 336 fighters, well: 95.54, happ: 90.18, 1,344.00 dmgQ1, 8,400.00 dmgQ5
Veteran: 354 fighters, well: 96.09, happ: 91.46, 1,416.00 dmgQ1, 9,558.00 dmgQ5
Veteran1: 29 fighters, well: 97.51, happ: 89.72, 116.00 dmgQ1, 812.00 dmgQ5

Citizens: 12615
Total dmgQ1:
Total dmgQ5:

It's obvious that Hungary is much powerful, but the difference doesn't seem so big if you look at the number of citizens with wellness bigger than 80:
Hungary: 8500
Romania: 6300

Also you can read NOSHADEZS article