[RFA] We've Done The Impossible, Now Let's Do More

Day 666, 08:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance
Members (or prospective members) of Radical Freethinker Alliance (RFA for short) Today is a day for celebration. Today is a day to hold your heads up high and be proud to be a part of our unique party. Only a few months ago, we had fewer than 200 members, in a mere 4th place and it was looking like a long time before we would overtake the PCP and secure our place in UK politics. That view was wrong (was it malta who said it? 😛)
As a result of the advertising and a lot of hard work put in by members of the RFA, we managed to have an explosion of new members and a few weeks ago finally managed to overtake the PCP! I myself remember a time when the PCP was the main opposition towards UKRP, and it seems they have fallen since their glory days (this is not to say they are not awesome, read more about our coalition later in the article)

A also believe a new phase in our exciting and interesting party has been brought around by the election of AltmerVampire as our new Party President. He is enthusiastic, active and most importantly has a huge wealth of experience to draw upon when making decisions and discussing within the party, making him an invaluable asset. I only hope he will lead us in a great new direction and build up what Flamur started.

For newer players, the RFA Cares Aid Society( http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1770848 )might be the thing for you. Even if you do not belong in our party (or before you can even join a party) the society will give out Q2 food (subsidised) so that newer players can boost their wellness and so it doesn’t drop below the crucial 40 wellness mark before you can fight (see here for a guide: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/beginner-s-guide-to-fighting-and-gaining-wellness-815308/1/20 )

Now we have an interview with a new member of our party, BlueNiel, who is already a regular both on the forums and on IRC. He shared some of his experiences within the party with me on IRC earlier.

IndieKid-Hello, can you tell us a bit about yourself and what initially drew you to the RFA?

Blueniel-Hi. Well I'm a new player to eRepublik, originally coming from a historical gaming site, however it was getting a bit bland so I drawn towards this game. In terms of the RFA, I liked the fact they did not try to impose real life politics as strictly as the other parties and the centrist attitude that everyone could have an opinion on any scale of the political ladder.

IndieKid-Do you feel like you were welcomed to the party and is there a friendly atmosphere?

Blueniel-I was definitely welcomed into the party, AltmerVampire, RRNapier, John Barlett and IndieKid all gave themselves a few welcomes and I had some interesting conversations on the IRC with them. IanCaithness also deserves a big mention for although new himself, helped welcome me into the party all the same. The atmosphere is great, people can make suggestions without them being shots down and everyone is valued, whilst in the IRC you can always find a friendly face.

IndieKid-Would you say the newer members in the party get a chance to contribute, or is are decisions only made by the more experienced party members?

Blueniel-Well, already I've been told that I can apply for an official party position which is a clear representation of how much each member is valued. From the meagre Level 7 members who have just joined the party and have no reputation to their name, all the way up to experienced military and political citizens. I feel it is a case of however much you give, you get in return. As long as you’re willing to put in the effort to help and contribute to the party you will be justly rewarded, whether it be a place in the House of Commons or simply praise from the Party President.

IndieKid-So you would recommend the RFA to new players?

Blueniel-Definitely! It's one of the best opportunities you could get in the game, experienced members willing to mentor and mould you, plenty of chances to increase your political gain, support and advice from everyone and generally a very fun and lively party to get involved in. One of the best parts is that you do not have to follow any political theory and any view-point is accepted and cherished the same as everyone else's.

IndieKid-thank you for your time Blueniel

Blueniel-Thank you as well, it's been a pleasure.

As you may know last presidential election we teamed up with the PCP in the so called ‘Red Submarine’ Coalition. We had a great candidate, (Scipio the Great) however unfortunately Scipio disappeared shortly before the elections (RL issues got in the way, as we found out later) it was decided that Widdows9000 was to run in place of Scipio, however this caused a split and a great deal of controversy both within the party and out of it. Needless to say Widds finished 3rd, but the whole exercise shows that the RFA and the PCP can work together, and currently within the party talks have begun about next month’s elections, although no candidates have been confirmed as of yet.

I’d like to thank you for reading, I hope you subscribe and vote! New players, remember to take advantage of the subsidised food and I hope you consider the RFA as your political party.
IndieKid, RFA Press Secretary