[Regjeringen] Ukeslutt - uke 26

Day 956, 16:57 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret

Previous summaries (in Norwegian): Week 25 | Week 24 | Week 23

By popular demand, this final weekly summary is written in English. This is the last official information from me this term, as I will be going on vacation this Sunday, and only step by via mobile connection if necessary, and perhaps for a couple of sneak peeks during the week. Vice President Yan Hoek will be ruling the empire of eNorway these last two days until a new president is elected.


Speaking of which, the candidates are now in - with only three parties taking the time to nominate and/or support. With the choice between current Vice Minister of Immigrations, Mr Gordon Gekko aka neppons, supported by Independent Alliance and Teknokratene and the Communist Party's Cl4trap - not only supported by our most recent and prominent PTO party, but also one of those who fought with the Russians on the wrong side in the first Resistance War of Scania - the choice should be obvious to all Norwegian voters.

Or rather, no choice at all: Your only safe option in Monday's elections is Mr Gordon Gekko. Read his own introduction article to read about his solid background in eRepublik.

I'm sorry that my time is limited, since I had it planned to give a full summary with facts and stats of this period. But perhaps I'll do a more extensive article when I return after a week's vacation in the magnificent Rondane mountain area. Afterall, I am historical, since I am the last Norwegian president in eRepublik V1. Right after the elections, the game will be upgraded with the new economic and military modules.
Please make sure to read the eRepublik Insider article about this!

The number of players in eRepublik has decreased drastically since May, and this combined with the lack of Sorlandet has had its effect on our economy. From next week on, we will start over in many ways and I think that the new modules deserves a chance. If you want to check in on the stats of eNorway over the past month, I recommend the census at ereptools.net - you get a good view on the status and trends there.

I know some of you have enjoyed my day-by-day banners, so I just include them here for this week:

It's been an interesting experience as president, although there were too little time to fullfill some of the plans I had. New chances will present themselves, I'm sure. Now, use your head in the elections on Tuesday and fend off the PTO candidate. Best of luck to all with the new eRepublik modules.