[Ragnell] A Tl;dr of eUK Politics

Day 2,365, 13:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ragnell

Ohai eUK.

This is not up to my usual standards of writing, but I felt a sudden desire to write something. In short, this article is a hatchet job, messily attempting to cover humorous political events of the last few days. Feel free to pelt me with rotten veg.

The Wicked Humour of eUK Politics
Many things have happened since the Congress elections, but the most impressive was that of DC’s manoeuvre within TUP at congress elections. I ended up writing an article regarding what TUP could take from this experience.

The buck doesn’t stop there though. The private access request area in the forums has been inundated with requests from many DC members to gain access to the TUP private forums. This has only served to tick off several TUP members. While I normally frown upon such things… DC: mission accomplished, I guess.

Grudgingly admiring your daring…

Plus a mention of Wayne...

BigAnt and his Multies
I’m sure you’re all aware of votes being repeatedly removed from BA’s vote total throughout the day of the 5th. I will just post an illustrative picture:

The typical New Era multi army.

Speaking of which, this is pretty imaginative:

Heil New Era(!)

Serb PTOers in General
The Serbians also wrote a number of humorous articles during their stay here, brightening up our usually monotonous days. Note this particularly distinctive example. (EDIT: Article was deleted. I lol'd.)

In short:

Actually, there seems to be one exception to the generally repetitive Serbian dialogue. All heil the goose. :3
A farm is a pretty good analogy for the eUK anyway…

Basically... Lame attempted humour is lame.
