[RAF]New CO, New Wing, and a Brand New Day(Updated)

Day 611, 11:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Royal Air Force News

Due to some availability issues in the Command, Michael Collins is the New CO for the Royal Air Force. Any questions should be directed to him in regards to Commander issues, supply, etc.

Announcement of the Royal Air Force

A few days ago, we announced the creation of the new Branch of Military. This Branch is to bridge the gap between our Royal Guard, which is our home Guard, and the Paratroopers. The Strength bridge was too distant and many felt that something was needed in between.

As a comparison, our Royal Air Force carries the same requirements for entry as the US Marines, which is 8 Strength, and is only our second highest Unit. Combine that with the fact that both our Royal Guard and Royal Navy have their own Elite Units (being the Marines and Imperial Guard), and we've grown considerably over the last month. I would like to thank all those involved for all their hard work, including John Forseti, Accalia, James Woosh, Horice (as always), CC, Rodney McKay, Vettige, and Wyli. We're always working to improve our supply lines, and we know that we're still climbing in terms of ranks. In less than a month, we've risen almost an entire point in Average Strength, which shows that the more active combat we face, the more we'll improve.

To sign up for the UK Military, for UK Citizens you can do so at The Military Portal. It's easy, uses the API, and no one gets your password so you don't have to worry about security.

A Brand New Day

I'd just like to take this opportunity to welcome all those new British Citizens in Quebec and Newfoundland. You probably won't stay an extended period of time, but while you're here, if you need anything please feel free to ask. We'll do our best to make sure you're as comfortable as possible considering the current circumstances.

Resistance War in Newfoundland, Fight GREEN.

Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs