"We Are All eKiwis Now!" ...maybe

Day 1,103, 13:10 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Chetan Zapato

Hello eNew Zealand!

First of all, I would like to apologize for anyone who has been offended by misunderstanding my past comments or who might be offended by reading this. It is partly my fault for not communicating clearly my views. IT IS NOT MY INTENT TO INSULT ANYONE. I only want to clarify matters and create a stronger eNew Zealand and if you are a true eKiwi, then you shouldn't be offended.

I DON'T believe there is a PTO. I DON'T believe the eSerbians are PTOers. But I do think there is a valid REASON for this type of thinking, even if it is a bad one. Aside from this, I thank every ex-eSerbian who is now a eKiwi and whose goal is a strong eNZ.

As I see it, there are three types of eNZ citizens:

1 - RL eKiwis: They should be the majority but sadly are the minority. In fact, the only one I know of is Calbe. Obviously, they have the most loyal interest in their country and have its interest at heart above all else. This is irrefutable. We can't do much about this population except hope that erepublik spreads in New Zealand and/or spread links on New Zealand sites.

2 - Naturalized eKiwis: This is everyone who ABANDONED their old allegiance. THIS DOES NOT MEAN ABANDONING YOUR LOVE FOR YOUR MOTHERLAND, but simply to have your priorities straight and that eNew Zealand has our allegiance before anyone else. This is the most diverse group with great people with different views.

3 - The Others: Those who are fake eKiwis with other allegiances. THIS MIGHT NOT BE INTENTIONAL NOR THAT THEY ARE NECESSARILY PTOERS

I don't think there are many of us who are 100% type 2 or 3; most of us are a lil bit of both.

I'll start with my background, I was born eMexican and was mostly just a 2-clicker; my Spanish isn't that great and I couldn't really get involved. I respected Spanish as the official language and didn't publish in English (more about this later). Now that I am here, I am a eKiwi. If eMexico was threatened, sure, I would love to help them, but I would NOT bring the whole country into a war unless it benefited us (if the war was with South America and we wanted to expand into Chile for example). To be honest, I don't even know where eMexico stands in this EDEN/PHOENIX thing nor do I follow news about eMexico.

When the first Congressional Election came around, there was a lot of PTO scare and the eSerbs got the worst of it. Obviously I was afraid also and I apologize for that. But I had a reason. For one, a huge immigration of Serbs right before elections is kinda suspicious (which I read but am unsure about the accuracy of the timing). Then there are the eSerbian images (as avatars) and eSerbian articles I read which just had some blatant statements such as eNZ becoming eSerbia's second country!!! If I could refind it, I would post it here for proof. And also images symbolizing eSerbia and eNew Zealand merging was really disturbing. And there are those who still had (and might still have) an official position in eSerbia which is ridiculous (to have 2 allegiances!!!).

But seriously, eSERBIA'S SECOND COUNTRY??? That is just too much.

Don't get me wrong, eSerbians have the freedom to come just like very one else and they can equally say that the eAmericans are trying to take control. Anyone had the freedom to create parties and try to run for Congress, though the provisional government condemned it at the time.

Things kinda died down and many eSerbians have truly become eNZ Kiwis and have its interests at heart as much as we can be sure of ANY non-RL eKiwi citizen can have. Now however with the 2nd Congressional Election, things got ugly again. But what are the causes?

1st: eSerbian articles: There are many articles not written in English and just as I respected eMexico's language, everyone should respect eNZ's language. Now I have been told this is because of the publishing rules and because many ex-eSerbians Kiwis have eSerbian subscribers. Well, I could bring up the allegiance argument and say why not write for eNZ now? Why continue to write for another country? But no, I think they have every right to write for whoever they want. But then, it still seems suspicious... so why not just publish in BOTH languages? That way, eKiwis can become aware of eSerbian affairs and our bonds can strengthen. I mean, there isn't anything to hide is there? But non-eSerbian readers have to rely on google translate and some of the things in those articles disturbing... but this might be google's fault so wouldn't it just be better every way around and it would help stop the hate ex-eSerbian Kiwis keep encountering.

2n😛 Battles: War drives erepublik economy so even if we are neutral, we need BATTLES!!! With balanced MPPs, we don't have to lean to either side of the super alliance conflict. Great. But suddenly I find myself fighting on PHOENIX side a lot. I don't mind fighting and defending eSerbia, our allies but what about keeping a balance? Now maybe this is just a coincidence or maybe it's intentional but it still makes people suspicious.

3r😛 Congress: It's understandable that ex-eSerbian kiwis want to secure that Congress isn't controlled by eUSA interests which is quite reasonable. But some proposals are really suspicious...I don't know much about the situation so I won't comment much about it and in fact it might not have anything to do with the ex-Serbians but still, it is suspicious.

These things could easily be fixed if people try it. I don't promise that people will stop yelling PTO or that they will not find something to hate about but I myself will defend those who are true Kiwis and share my allegiance to eNew Zealand. Maybe it is just one individual creating an ugly image, or maybe it is a big elaborate PTO but things are suspicious EVEN IF IT IS NOT INTENTIONAL.

One thing I recommend is to truly have 1 allegiance (if eSerbia is attacked and in danger, go ahead and help them but don't drag the nation unless it is beneficial for us). There are those who still serve eSerbia officially, and if you are a true Kiwi, resign and serve eNZ. I have seen many ex-eSerbians Kiwis with the same avatar and I assume it is an eSerbian image and it implies an allegiance to eSerbia. I won't go as far as to say that you should change it, but it might be a reason why things are the way they are.

Thanks to everyone who is a Kiwi and for their allegiance to eNew Zealand, including YOU, ex-eSerbian Kiwis!!!