"Still Analyzing"

Day 1,224, 20:26 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi
"Still Analyzing"

The title isn't quite true, I do have some good news and bad news to report.

1. Canadian Ministry of Finance has been recovered, meaning that all government organizations are in government hands. Presently, Addy Lawrence has access to Canadian Ministry of Finance to run the treasury bill program.

2. The admins will not tell me what happened to the 60,000 after it landed in Matthew Gallaughler's hands. I suppose I could pretend and take some wild shots in the dark as to what occurred next, but without proof I have no proof. All we will know for sure is that the MG had access to the passwords, and the money went to his account, then he returned 3900 of it. There are some anomalies in the circumstances surrounding the theft, but I have no further conclusive evidence to offer.

The eventual fate of the 60,000 has yet to be divined, though initially the admins didn't want to return the funds because it was a dispute "between the old government and the new government." Unless Kronos isn't telling us something, I don't believe this is the case. I will keep you updated as news comes in.

The UK Training war is closing, with a final (or second to last) battle occuring at the moment. Please be kind and don't push Northern Ireland to our side -- we'll just have to give it back anyways. There ought to be a replacement NE proposal within the next 4 days. I will keep you informed.

I am running for re-election. The broad outline of my platform will be working towards using the worker/manager production possibilities to the CAF's advantage, creating a formula by which funding can occur in a decreased tax scenario (which seems likely at this time) and supporting and developing Congressional initiatives for helping newer and less fortunate players.

My most likely opponent, Addy Lawrence, has released a platform and I'd like to constructively comment on it.

1. If anyone can tell me how Canada, in a world where you must have adjacent regions to gain resources, can have any more resources than it does now without conquering our allies, I'd love to hear it. The only potential swap at the moment is a grain swap with the United States, which is contingent on the Polish natural enemy. Until there is resolution to that war, there will be no swap.

If Addy has a plan to get us Saltpeter Oil or Rubber, he ought to present it. Looking at the map, I just don't see it.

2. Taxes are at 20% precisely because Addy Lawrence convinced Congress to raise tax levels in an effort to strengthen the CAD. Well, even after the theft we still have almost 300,000 CAD out of circulation and our financial situation has only worsened. If Addy wants to lower taxes now, that's fine, but talking about a 50% tax cut when it was your logic and proposal that raised taxes is a bit disingenuous. Just sayin'

Also, and here's the fun part, if you're President you don't have a tax change button or a donate button. Donations and tax changes are specifically the domain of Congress. If you're interested in changing taxes, and interested in formulizing rules about treasury donations, becoming President when you're already a Congressman actually makes it more difficult because you no longer have access to said buttons.

If you see the donate or tax buttons, tell them I miss them.

Managing the military, managing foreign policy, and managing crisis are what the President ought to be concentrating on, since that's where his buttons lie. As someone who just ran and won a Congressional seat, nothing's stopping Addy from enacting those two parts of his platform now.

And hey, I'll support you on it because its clear that hoarding CAD has failed and we might as well lower taxes to sustain our military budget. But this is a Congressional decision in the realm of the powers of Congress. I will give my position, but my focus is not on taxes.

3. I believe in a military which can count on a steady and stable supply from which to organize their budget. Subjecting our military to a piecemeal "what you get is based on supple consumption" isn't sound policy in a rapidly fluctuating economy that's subject to the whims of the admins and it isn't sound policy when you're trying to build up our military capacity.

And let's remember one thing: Sending money to the TCO and the CAF (apparently HOPE doesn't want funds) is a method and means of community building. We are rewarding activity and we are rewarding participation in ways that elevate our ability to assist allies in a timely and meaningful manner. We are investing in the people who are most likely to be productive citizens. I realize this is not a perfect solution, but I would rather we focus our efforts on the core community -- which any and every Canadian may choose to be a part of -- than a laissez faire defeatism.

Yes. We got screwed, again. We have two choices:

We can either wallow in a malaise of distrust, suspicion, and believe that our country is best served by an 'every person for themselves' mentality.


We can pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and carry forward a little wiser for mistakes that were made and keep aspiring to be the great community that we know we can be.

I favour the latter. We will get burned again, because that's what happens when you trust people on the internet and this game necessitates that sort of faith. But we are better as a country for having trusted the countless Canadians who were honest with their charges, did not steal from the group, and made positive impacts because of it. It's easy to give up in the face of adversity. I am challenging you to keep the faith and move forward with me to greater and better things.

4. I think there is nothing better for our country than a robust, civil debate on the issues that face us. I hope Addy agrees.

In the Rylde interview I talked briefly about CAF Reform, as I think that our present means of supply can be further augmented not only be increased government support but by an enlarged SPP program. Unlike the Addy Lawrence program, which will very abruptly change military supply in a time, any reforms that I will be proposing will be a part of a consultative framework that will span more than a week or month. A better military for Canada cannot and will not be built in a day and it will not be based off the whims of VAT.

I will further elaborate on this in a future article, as it merits more than a couple paragraphs of explanation.

Until then, please send me any comments, questions or concerns. My door is open.

President of Canada