[Proteus4Poteus] A Candidacy Announced

Day 2,045, 13:05 Published in USA USA by Paul Proteus

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Good Morning America, once again I come to you with an announcement of intent. I’d like to submit, for your consideration, my intent to run for President of the eUS in the month of July.

A Declaration

The eUS is facing a hard month in July, with many adverse conditions that we are not used to. We find ourselves invaded on multiple fronts and, despite recent successes, still in the middle of a PTO. Yet, instead of unifying us, we allow these events to, instead, tear us apart. The disconnect between the government and many of her citizens is far from healed, and so too is the lack of understanding between the government and many of the country's MUs. Still, there are signs of improvement: on the 15th we showed that as a country we can come together and, not only oppose, but unilaterally defeat our enemies. Where this past month was signified by loss and invasion, this next month is now ours to be victorious. It’s this prospect, of bringing the country together, and repelling Servians and other hostiles, from both our shores and from our parties, that is so exciting. To show the country not only what I believe I am capable of, but what I believe we, as a country, are capable of.

That's why I’m running for President of the eUS. That’s why I propose, for your consideration, PROTEUS4PoTeUS one more time~

What to Expect from a PROTEUS POTEUS

The next month is essential America, it’s our month for the taking. I want you to think long and hard on what a Proteus Presidency will look like; it will be one of activity, one of transparency and, most of all, one of unity. I don’t need to go into my experience, you read about that last month, but suffice it to say, I will be ready and willing to bring this country forward starting on Day 1. Nothing will be easy; restoring our country will not be easy, putting the nails in the coffin of the PTO will not be easy, but while we may not be the strongest country in the game, working together, our potential is limitless.

Our issues are also not only internal, but continue abroad as well. We are no longer by ourselves; we are a part of an alliance in CoT, and we must work not only to help ourselves, but to aid our allies as well. With that being said, there are two sides to that coin. Last month, Tenshibo issued an ultimatum to CoT by challenging them to act. This month I have a slight corollary to that: challenging them to act together. Otherwise, against TWO, we stand very little chance.

Experience: A Quick Recap

I hate to bog this article down, but short of reading my wiki, here is a quick summary of some of what I have done in this game~

Moving on to,

A Running Mate

A President cannot do it alone, and I am no exception. So, while you certainly vote for a candidate, you vote for their cabinet as well. Last month I compared my cabinet to mahogany, in hindsight I realize pixels may have been a more accurate description, still I can say, that yet again, I am extremely proud of who I am running with. A Cabinet article will come, but for now let me just tease you with my choice for Vice President.

My running mate is smart, trustworthy, extremely competent, and definitely VP material, this month I'll be running with none other than Othere.

Othere has been Secretary of the Interior, quite successfully, for several months now, as well as USWP PP, helping to revitalize the party. Nobody is better qualified to help me bring the Country back together. Also, Othere don't take no shit.

So, pretty much, a badass

Again, this is just a taste of what's to come; CoS, State, Defense and the rest of the cabinet will be released in the next few days, but needless to say, a Proteus/Othere White House will be full of greatness.

Another thing, it’s not too late to join us, simply shoot me a Private Message to apply to join my Cabinet. I look forward to crafting another one of the finest cabinets this country has ever seen~

So, lend me your hand America, let’s go on an adventure together, let’s make America great,

Save the Date, and consider a PROTEUS PoTeUS~


And Join us on #PPfP on Rizon IRC to witness greatness

Join me in greatness America