[Presidential Elections] Why the union is a good thing, vote MALCHERT

Day 715, 08:55 Published in Belgium Netherlands by DanielB1989

Dear Citizens of Flanders,

I am writing you because of the upcoming presidential elections. As I have been appointed by the government as ‘High commissioner in charge of Belgian Affairs’ the goal is to secure the elections in Flanders and to give the people in Flanders a choice.

To understand this situation I will give you a brief history of events which have been going on prior to getting a union with the Netherlands.

In March of 2009, there were very few Belgians in this game, bravely trying to manage their country. However in March a group of Spanish players entered Belgium, with the goal to take it over and use it as an outpost for the former Atlantis alliance. At that time I was the president of the eNetherlands, and Creve Roeland of eBelgium, we talked a lot about the situation, as we felt very threatened. After days of discussing we decided that there was one option;

To Unite our countries and to become one.

You can read the declaration of Unity here

We have been working hard the last few months side by side with Belgian people to make this union work. There have been so many accomplishments that I think, we could proudly say that we are the most successful union in erepublik history!

However almost 2 weeks ago a Romanian group called ‘the Group’ came to disturb our Union by starting a Resistance war in Flanders. They succeeded their RW, and broke up our peaceful union.

Why is this union so good for both the eNetherlands and the eBelgian people in this game? And Why should we stay together. I will list a few of the great things, why the union works

- We have a great infrastructure with Q5 (best quality) hospitals in 4 of the unions region (2 of them in former eBelgium)
- We have a great job market, fair wages are paid, and there is enough competition for your labor so you can always change job
- There are wargames, which allow every citizen to fight daily 5 times. And therefore increase rank, and have a little bit more fun in the game
- We have a vivid political scene, a large Belgian party, and a great diversity in political views.
- We have quite a good economy, which allows the government to have a good army structure which allows us to often give away weapons for soldiers to fight with.
- We have a coaching program, which is designed to help new players find their way in the game.

I could continue for quite a bit, but to summarize, the union has a really good climate to live and work in.

I can understand nationalistic feelings from some people saying, that the eBelgians want their own country etc. But after all, even the people who oppose the union agree with it over time. (a good example). We however respect the choices eBelgians want to make with regards to the union.

To be able to let Belgians decide for their own what is best for the future, Malchert needs to win the upcoming elections in Flanders. This will be a very hard task to accomplish as our opponents have an country backing them up which has almost over 7 times the amount of people than we have.

To support the freedom of choice for Belgians vote for:


On Thursday November 5th! (tomorrow)

Thank you for your attention, and if you have any questions or remarks please leave comments here or come visit me or other people from the union on our IRC channel:[url=irc://irc.rizon.net/eUNL]#eUNL on Rizon.net[/url]

Yours Sincerely,

High commissioner in charge for Belgian Affairs