[Presidential Address]Let's Talk

Day 1,031, 16:43 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

Let's sort out our country, shall we eIsrael?

Now, I know there are a lot of issues surrounding me right now, but don't worry, I'll get to all of them.

Now, tensions have recently flared up with Daniel Ender's article, saying how eIsrael is a Jew or Israeli country, and should always be like that, free from "molestation" by American powers.

And it's not just Ender. It's a pretty big number of people that feel that way. And of course, being a Jew, I understand that nationalism, I understand that sense of pride in running your own country, especially a country so closely tied to the spirits of it's citizens.I understand it, even respect it. But that is not how we run a country. We run a country by merit. Ability. Not ethnicity or nationalism. Americans are not a parasite, choking eIsrael dry of whatever power or dignity it has. No, Americans have helped eIsrael, time and time again. This country was built by people like BuzzyTheCat, almost as famous for his deeds as Sadeh Badeh. BuzzyTheCat was a great president, a great leader, a mentor for most people. As is Sadeh. Sadeh is Israeli, Buzzy is American. And yet, they set aside their differences, and they built the foundation of this country, the foundation upon which presidents like CJ Will Win, Franz Kafka,Zaib Atsu, Joshua Hoss, Perfect.Knight, and Dean Michaely have built upon. They set aside their petty nationalistic differences, and reminded themselves what really mattered; eIsrael. Not Israel. Not America. No, eIsrael. This country, this game. Their decisions, together, made us what we are today, and they did not fight over such things. They used their energy to their own advantage, and they built the stepping stones, the corner stones, of the eIsrael we all know and love. And when they fought, and they did fight, it was not a hostile, eye for an eye fight. No, it was brotherly. And not just them, all eIsraelis of the so called "old guard". Yes, we fought, we fought a lot. But it was more like a debate than a hostile, dog eat dog, fight. We were brothers, building a country rife with problems, from Turkey to our north, or the economy within.

Yes, Israelis helped build this country. And they did it right alongside Americans, Shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand.

So, yes, Israelis who hold that position, the position that Americans are leeches, sucking the life and the politics out of eIsrael, that Israelis need to be running this country, I respect your nationalism. But don't you see? Together we are stronger. Together we are mighty, powerful.

Together, we are eIsrael.

Now, that's not to say there haven't been mistakes on the Americans side. Oh, there have been plenty of those.

One of those mistakes, is...well, I'm going to explain it to you, rather than tell you.

Seeroy. Pain in my ass when he was under that name.Pain in a lot of people's asses. But then, he joined again, as CRoy. I don't know what it was, but he had changed. He was just an awesome guy now, trying to play a game he wanted oh so desperate to have fun in.

He's a patriot, CRoy. He runs training companies out of pocket, helps babies grow, and even write a humorous article about cereal once in awhile. Now, CRoy had a dream. A dream that he could sustain a bi-national, bi-lingual party in eIsrael. I supported this vision. I joined the Israeli Democratic Party( I think that was its name), and I helped him build his party. What I did not expect, however, was the emergence of the UIIP.

The United Israeli Independent Party has a great bunch of people, future leaders, even. Now, I understand how some might see the UIIP as an American-take over, even though it is not. It is a branch of an American party, shares their forums, gets recruits from America, etc. Now, I am a part of the party, I know the inner-workings, and I know that the party is not sinister. But all those outside the paty don't, and they take it at face value, which is, admittedly, pretty guilty-looking.

When CRoy told me about his plans for created the UIIP, I was hesitant. This would be taken more as a PTO, and less as what it was meant to be, an active foundation to grow off of. The UIIP does not necessarily import people from America, but the bridge has opened because of their closeness to UIP. I understand how this could be a problem for some Israelis, and there are things the UIIP should have done. They should have made themselves more open to eIsrael, and not as close to the UIP, an American Party. Not to discredit all the things CRoy has done for eIsrael, but the UIIP, regrettably, stayed in more of a shell than it needed to be.

In my opinion, I did not want the UIIP to be created. I thought that CRoy was a good enough leader, a great leader, actually, to form and operate a functioning eIsraeli party. I did not see the need for American intervention, and I understand how some might interpret the UIIP. I was ready to join Israel First, because I liked all the people in it, and it was a better shot at unity.

But I saw the hostility towards Americans. And even though a part of that was because of UIIP, more of it was from the nationalism I mentioned early. I could not be a part of a unity party that needed Americans to be distanced from eIsraeli politics.

I regret the decisions made by some members of Israel first, their interpretations of UIIP.
I regret how the UIIP came forward the way it did, and support integration between America and eIsrael that we just weren't ready for yet, not at this time, maybe not ever.
I regret the Israeli Democratic Party for ever becoming the UIIP, because I thought it had a shot without it.
But I also regret that Israelis and Americans don't seem to want to work together anymore. We don't even try. Despite our differences, I know we can do it, but we're not trying.

So to sum it all up;
- I support the members of the UIIP, but not the idea of a party. eIsrael cannot sustain an American-based party branch.
-I am good friends with many UIIPers, and they're good people, and not the sinister PTOers some make them out to be. If the capable Israelis I know and the Americans worked together...our country run fantastically, the best in months.
-Israel First is a great unity party, but their thoughts of the Israeli Nationalism must be changed, if we are to move forward.
-I respect the Israeli Nationalism, the idea that they must control their own fate, but I cannot accept the fact that Americans need to be distanced from politics, despite merit or ability.

So accept my call, eIsrael, please. PLEASE, work together. TRY it. If it doesn't work, you revert back to your old ways, and rip each other apart. At least TRYING will be better than that.

Please, try it eIsrael. You won't regret it.

Next up, my comments on eFYROM. They were MY stance on the issue, not eIsrael's. If my opinions reflected all of eIsrael, I would have gotten 100 percent of votes in the elections, and I would have been supported by all the parties, AND all of eIsrael would just be me, and my clones. I mean, come on, do you really want two me's, let alone a 800? 😉

Now, I understand the RL Tension between Greece and FYROM. But FYROM is recognized by the UN, and therefore it is eligible to be considered. Also, if I ever said Macedonia, I meant FYROM, that is the recognized name, as Macedonia is a region of Greece.

I mean, come on guys, this is eRepublik. It doesn't mean I love Greece any less, I always have loved them, and I always will.

Let it be known Greece. First off, I meant FYROM. If I ever said Macedonia, then it was a typo of some sort. That article was discussing the legality of the issue, and since they are a RL country, they have to get the same treatment.

Now, moving onto some personal stuff.

I've lost friends in eRepublik. I've gained friends. I've gained a lot of friends actually. A during my time in politics, as Minister of Defense, as Director of Mossad, I learned to cope with people I didn't agree with, people who didn't agree with me, and they let it be known. I learned not to take everything at face value, and that friends are sometimes temporary, it's the permanent ones you have to make. And I've made a lot of them.

I've also made wrong choices, I am human, I think I am allowed that. If I lived under the charade that I was perfect, I'd be a liar, and I wouldn't be fit to lead you.

I love Israel, America, and eIsrael, I always have. I have formed my opinions and I think I know what is best for the third, and I have no doubt that if proven, some of them might be wrong, but I must try first. I must lead you in the best way I can, for that is the responsibility bestowed upon me, by you. I will not lead you astray eIsrael, and I pledge to keep myself in line, to think before I say something, and most importantly:

Treat every single one of you with respect. Israeli, American, Bolivian.

I might lose myself sometimes, get passionate about something and yell or go off at a fellow citizen, but I am frustrated eIsrael. Frustrated that success is so near, but we are using all our energy to fight, that we don't have the strength to lift out hand to grab it.

So, let's do it together. Pool our strength, energy, time, and help each other. All together.

Because that is the only way.

Best wishes,
Your President