[President] Review of the last days

Day 1,127, 12:23 Published in Austria Austria by BundesPresseDienst

-- Sorry, bisher gibt es den Artikel nur in Englisch, ich bin derzeit krank und habe viel zu lernen, aber ich hoffe, dass ich morgen eine Übersetzung liefern kann --

Dear eAustrian citizen,

I’m sorry for not having posted that much in the past few days, I was busy both in real life and ingame. I however did of course not forget about my beloved country, in fact these days are the most intensive ones in my eLife probably.
I want to sum things up so you’ll get an overview of what has been going on in eAustria lately.

1.) Military

As you will know, Italy has declared war on us again. Their reason was the Deer region Tyrol, which gives them a 5% boost. I spent hours negotiating with their president in order to avoid us being wiped, but in the end some congress member proposed Austria as Natural Enemy, it was accepted, and it became clear we were going to be wiped again. We immediately started preparations - special thanks goes to Klavh who really put a lot into this - and decided to let Italy wipe us, in order to close the war between our nations, so we can RW (resistance war) and live peacefully. I talked to the Italian president who said he only wanted Tyrol and that he would allow us to get back our regions as soon as the war closed. Independend from this, Howly (the Slovenian president) started a RW in Styria and sent his troops there. Within only a few hours after we got erased from the map, we reoccured thanks to Howly and his army. Thanks a lot for helping! Then, Italy started a resistance war in Upper Austria in order to give it back to us. At this points thanks to Italy, too. This was a honourable move and we respect you for it.
Despite the fact Italy supported the RWs, there were people fighting against us and it took a good amount of organizing, the IRC Channel was busy for almost 24h. Thanks for everyone who helped organizing - my team was amazing and I’m very positive we’ll be able to do even more soon. Of course also thanks to everyone who fought - Austrians such as people who came from all over the world to be a part of the liberation of Austria - without you we wouldnt be back now.
So right now we have 2 Regions, a RW in Vorarlberg will be started (and won) tomorrow, so we’ll have 3 regions of each resource that exists in Austria.
We did however lose our 2 Parties worth 80g - but Rangeley was funded by the state to create a new one so we will be able to have a congress on the 25th.

We have launched a campaign to get many soldiers to join the army - and we’re pleased with the results and currently using them in order to create squads. I will borrow my Q3 food company to the state in order to have a working place for our soldiers, and Klavh will probaly lend us his Q3 weapon company. Thanks for that!

2.) Foreign Affairs

We’ve had very productive conversations with people from both sides, including but not limited to the german president, the french president, the italian presiden, the serbian president,...
Things going well we’ll soon have a MPP. Our allies is yet to be determined, but our priority is to have daily battles in order to give you a cool time in Austria

3.) Finances
First of all a HUGE thanks to Christophe Yakovsky who donated over 200 gold to the Central Bank. This money is very important for us, and a part of it was already used for the resistance wars - so thanks for this very essential donation which already played a role in bringing us back to the map.
Apart from this, things are going OK. We’re slowly making the ATS we have to gold and due to the congress tax we’ll soon get another 90g which will be very important.

4.) Internal Stuff

You might have noticed a few tutorials have been released in the last few days. This is part of our preparation of a Babyboom which we will start as soon as the missing piece, a big tutorial which will be released soon, is finished. I’m working on a new, better citizen message, too. Cool thing - we won’t only make text-based tuts, but also video tutorials.
As mentioned, we have one party and we’re preparing for the congress elections.

I hope I was able to give you a ‘short’ overview of what has been going on internally and I hope you approve of the way we handle things.
I’m open to any kind of feedback, as long as it’s constructive.
Thanks again for the trust you put in me, I’m doing my best to serve my country as well as possible.


eAustrian President