Day 1,392, 13:39 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Policy

The Debrief

Unknown Presidential Bunker, Balochistan, Pakistan. Greetings, gentlemen. We've had a good start to this month, or what's left of it. Unfortunatly, I've been a little suspended by real life events, but I hope it won't dampend the fun we're all having.

Alright, firstly, we had a massive party like 3 days ago in the sekret bunker. Apeshit crazy. PakiGirls, Champagne flowing, blunts and ofcourse, PARTAY MUSIC. Iirc, Bozli took this hot chick back door an- oh wai-..we're not supposed to talk about that.


The Externalized Situation

First off, though the 'first' RW in Baluchistan was not condoned by the Government, it is honourary of mention and something that will go down in not just in Pakistan's history - but the world's.

A nation of less than 50, took on the armies of old. Outnumbered..outgunned..out flanked. But we fought, Pakistan, those soldiers, they fought. Damage was dropped in millions, thousands were irrelevant as positions changed hands faster than a coin flip and the ratta-tat-tat of blazing guns was the only sound to be heard.

It took the armies of EDEN to land in the battlefield. The ancient tanks of Romania. The large armies of Croatia. Even then, they could not defeat this small, defiant nation. A whole alliance..shuddered in a slumbered giant's wake. Only Romper himself could only just..snatch a victory from us.

o7 To All Our Soliders

That said, the last RW of Baluchistan was more successful, with less damage on both sides - Balochistan was once again Pakistan and truly, liberated. That said, I've been on the telephone to my Chinese Counter Parts and we've agreed in a ceasefire as well as Baluchistan remaining Pakistani for the foreseeable future. My thanks to the Chinese for being talented dimplomats, and soldiers as the 'first' battle of Baluchistan was only legendary with their participation.

o7 China

In other news, we've secured an MPP with Macedonia, Poland and Serbia. We're in the process of improving our relations with Poland on a singular basis as both nations have come to each other's aid in the past, and I consider this a great act of friendship. The same can be said for Macedonia, hopefully, we'll have more on these fronts soon.

As for Serbia, they're our truest bro, our all-weather ally. We will have a meeting soon to clear any possible weaknesses in our great friendship and strengthen our ties further.

Also, I hope to improve relations with Thailand as some of you know, they've been a true ally in the past few months.

I also hope to talk to Indonisia quite soon about re-igniting our old ties. Other than this, I will speak to the leadership of ONE and TERRA/EDEN on our neutral foriegn affiars stance and how we are a peaceful nation, at heart.


Right then, we've contacted all Party President's individually. Seems like nobody wants to carry on their party, shame. But, seeing as I'm in a good mood today, you all have an extension of ~2 days to get to us if you want to to keep your party. I also have a meeting later today/tomorrow regarding one party, and I have to sort out the dioist party too.

B3orn has also compiled a list of active Pakistanis, I'll be soon sending you all a message 😁 So reply, and don't pretend you're inactive, because I KNOW YOU'RE NOT.

We've also began updating our tutorials. Soon enough, a rather new face will publish a "Daily Tasks" tutorial that was created by myself, with a major contribution by MoSA, hamis11.

Unfortunatly, we don't have access to any of our national organizations; and it's been a week since I filed the ticket for their recovery. Good work admins! Though, raao recently passed on the details to the State Bank, so it's all good on that front. But, in general, we're pretty stumped in Domestics until we get access.

Also, we're thinking about getting a Q5 Weapons (or a few, depending on how it goes) factory, along with a bunch of Raw Material Factories. Stay tuned on this front, though. Lets hope we can get something together soonish, then we won't have to keep burning out so much and have something for the long-term.

zaftfirst, Arfan-Khan are new Civilian Defence Officers, though I have to sort out the MoD/Armed Forces as a whole, so it's a pretty dead front there. Mylan's our *new* Minister of Economy, kotekzot our Tsar Cat Bear as usual and Aoun Mohammed as our Minister of Information.

We've also got a new citizen message, I've taken out links to to the MoSA Org's Newspaper (for the moment), as they're now all outdated tutorials; but links to the forum & IRC are there - so be sure to help out new players!

Important Announcements

I'd like to clarify that the national forums are: http://forum.erepk.co.cc

Also, please sign-up for the hidden, confidential section of the forums here. This section will serve as a "secret discussion" point, for all stuff that the outside world shouldn't hear. ~Oh, I fixed some errors regarding groups too and I'll be fixing some more soonish, so once again, stay tuned.

Thanks for tuning in, folks!

I'd just like to put here there hasn't been a day without a media presence in this Government. I think we're pretty boss here. Oh, this is also the THIRD article I've written, so sorry about the delay (was going to publish yesterday, but I did publish *something*, right?).

President of Pakistan,