[President] Battle of Vestlandet and upcoming vote

Day 1,220, 08:34 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
Greetings, fellow Swedes, Danes and other lovely members of our fine union,

Today we've started a battle against the Vestlandet. Although we have a training war, we're actually supposed to win this fight. Their president, fredikz, personally asked me to relieve them of the region prior to the upcoming congress election.

Mixed messages

There's been some contradicting information but so far, I haven't received any word of changes to the original plan...

"Hei, jeg ønsker at dere tar over så mange som mulig av våres regioner før Kongress valget og at disse bli returnert etter det. På denne reduserer vi PTO mulighetene og vi får beholdt våre regioner."

... which translates to:

"Hi, I wish that you take as many of our regions as possible before the congress election and that these should be returned to us afterwards. This way we might reduce the chances for PTO and we get to keep our regions."

I agreed. But this is, of course, not our highest priority in case other important battles come up during the day. Check the orders from TSM if you're uncertain where or when to fight.

Next topic of the day: voting for the future

As you all know, we're one of the founders of EDEN. This alliance has been our allies for years. During 2010, for several reasons, we drifted apart from some of its members. Throughout my time as president, I have did what I could to maintain our status as a member of EDEN but due to the early rumors placing us in NWO, things have been rather complicated ever since two of our closest allies (Spain and Poland) left EDEN and became enemies of the brotherhood.

In a time where foreign affairs are ever so important, it's time for us to ask you - the people - what you want. Should we stay in EDEN, should be proclaim neutrality or should we even consider joining another alliance? These are important questions, and they need to be asked in a proper manner and with the proper amount of information to back every alternative. We're not going to vote in the comments to this article; the only reason I'm stating this now is because I feel that it's time to make a decision. The rest of the world would like to know where we stand and I can't blame them.

My plan is that me and my cabinet will put together a thread on the forum, where we gather all the information you might need and then we answer questions that might arise prior to the day of the vote. Then we announce when and where to vote and, well, after the results have been analyzed and summarized we can move on to ask the congress for an "official vote".

Just giving you a heads up so that you're aware of the importance of checking the forum throughout the next few days.

Best Regards,

President of Sweden
High Commander of Homonavia