[POTUS] The Trifecta

Day 1,163, 17:59 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

Dear America,

As the title of this article implies, there are three main topics in this article.

My fellow country presidents arriving in America

First of all, I am proud to finally be able to sign America into PanAm along with the other country presidents!

We hereby join PanAm and vow to improve the alliance so we all are satisfied.


Haliman - eUSA

KITA Ikki - eJapan

Nihoof - eBrasil

Aeriala - eCanada

FlorenciaC - eArgentina

I’d like to thank our friends in Japan, Brazil, Argentina, and Canada for all standing together, for helping to create this third alliance. I have been in constant contact with the other presidents to help make sure this alliance starts off on the right foot.

On a more domestic approach, we had Congressional Elections yesterday!

First off, let me say, WOW! There were so many quality candidates running in all five of the parties! I’m saddened to see that a lot of them didn’t make it, though. Congress will not be better off without these people. They would have truly made a difference.

I do hope that if a candidate lost this month, run next time! I’ll tell you straight away that even though I won my first election, I lost the next four. It sucks, but hey, keep trying!

On January 5th, 2011, America elected me as president. This month has been extremely productive. My administration is working hard to make sure it stays that way for the rest of my term.

On February 5th, 2011, America will once again go to vote. My fellow Americans, I’d like to throw my hat into that race. We have so much to do still, too much for a single term! I’ll be honest when I say I love being president!

Re-elect Haliman for President of the United States on February 5th! Join #halipotus if you want to help out 😁

President of the eUnited States