[POTUS]Party President Election Day Bulletin

Day 1,030, 04:02 Published in USA USA by St Krems

Amerika, we have learnt to defend ourselves on the battlefield. We’ve gotten so good that we’ve defended ourselves straight into eastern Russia. However, in this game the battlefield does not end solely with the war module. We are under political attack in the form of PTOers. What’s a PTOer? A PTO is a Political Take Over and happens when citizens of a country hostile to Amerika manage to obtain citizenship through manipulation and attempt to manipulate political elections in our country to do damage to Amerika.

For this reason, we have created the Federal Election Commission. The FEC is run by the [Director of The CIA Rod Damon and staffed by top level politicians from every main party. Their job is to protect us from PTOs by finding, identifying and organising against foreign agents. Today, especially if you are a newer player, you will possibly be contacted by a PTOer or one their accomplices trying to get you to misuse your vote in the coming election. They will likely attempt to lie to you or distort the truth, they will likely say that FEC and organising behind one candidate to fight the PTOers is and unamerikan not democratic. I completely agree with them. In an ideal world, we wouldn’t have to constantly be on our guard against PTOers, but they are the reason we must take these measures. The moment they relinquished their Amerikan citizenship and stop trying to harm our country is the moment we can again have a true democracy.

With all this in mind, your Unity Candidates for September are:

USWP - Fionia
Feds - Greene12
SEES - rainy sunday
UIP - Justin McCravok
ADTP - Indrae
Conservative Party - Claire Littleton

Method of Voting: Hold your vote, and your fights, until your last login. Firstly check to see the status of the top 5 parties. Should any be under serious threat your first priority is to vote in them for the unity candidate. Losing one top 5 party, even should they be political rivals, places the entire nation in jeopardy. Should the Top 5 be secure, go and vote for Claire Littleton in the Conservative Party and let’s kick Pizza The Hut out of his power base!

Subscribe to The FEC paper for the most recent ATO information.

Yours in girth,

St Krems
eUS President