[PotUS] News and More

Day 1,704, 00:24 Published in USA USA by Evry

Hello America,

I come here today with some good news, some bad news, and some explanations.

The bad news is that we lost our first battle in Manitoba. The Canadians called in some reserves and squeaked out the win. We await their attack with sharpened spears and polished shields.

I would also like to address the recent accusations made about me.

“Evry is a ONE spy implanted by ONE leadership to destroy the eUS from the inside”

Absolutely not. I have not, nor ever will be a ONE proponent. In fact, I’ve had access to the Congressional Budget Office (the treasury org for the entire country containing over 15Million USD and a few thousand gold) for around 6 months. If I wanted to harm the eUS, I would have stolen the cash months ago. And for the record, I gave up access temporarily while serving as President so as to prevent any conflicts of interest.

”Evry is going to bring the eUS into ONE”

Definitely not. While it is true that congress voted to leave Terra. That wasn’t even during my term. It is also true that the eUS and Spain are now MPP partners. This has nothing to do with ONE however. Spain actually recently left ONE due to disagreements with ONE HQ. Additionally, we're not MPPing Hungary, Serbia, Poland, Macedonia, Indonesia, or any formal ONE countries whatsoever. The eUS will continue to fight against our enemies WorldWide, including ONE. However, the eUS will not be bossed around by Terra or EDEN looking to stick their hands in the affairs of an independent nation.

”Evry is Pfeiffer’s pet.”

So far from the truth it’s not even funny. I was Pfeiffer’s third pick this past election. The only reason I was endorsed by the USWP (led by Alexander Auctoritas by the way, not Pfeiffer), was because everyone else in the primary dropped out. Pfeiffer has no position within my cabinet. He has no special forum privileges, no special IRC access, no special abilities anywhere involving the executive branch. If he brings a suggestion to me, it carries no extra weight than an idea proposed by any other citizen. He’s not privy to any private information, or anything a citizen could find out. Pfeiffer and I have a strong dislike of each other, and that fact has not changed. Implying that I’m a plant by Pfeiffer or that I obey his commands is equivalent to saying that Inwegen is Ajay/General Cartmen Lee/Ronald Gipper Reagan’s spy.

The American media lately.

If you ever have any questions about my statements or actions, feel free to PM me and ask me for clarification before spreading accusations and rumors. Otherwise, you’re no better than the evil you claim to be fighting.

And now for the good news. This bit of news is also war related. However, it has nothing to do with our neighbors from the north. I am instead asking that all able bodies prepare to deploy to France to help our allies defend against the Polish invasion. Poland is attempting to protect its own ally in the United Kingdom by wiping France, our ally. Helping our French allies is a very important priority for the Administration and we hope that all Americans deploy to France to help them out.

To arms my brothers!

The battle we’re deploying for is extremely important for France and can be found here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/30997

I ask that all eAmericans, both USAF members and non-USAF members fight side by side for our French allies against Poland. We may not currently hold a MPP with France, but our allies are still important to us as a nation and supporting them is imperative. As I've previously stated, we want to move away from the super-alliance paradigm. I said we will stand by our allies, and our allies will not be determined solely on alliances. France is one of those allies. They have supported us many times, and they're under invasion. As friends, it is our duty to defend them, and their sovereignty. In that mentality, I have deployed the majority of eUSA forces to defend France against their invasion, because France is one of the true friends that we do truly value.

That’s all the information I’ve got for you for now America. Until next time, PotUS out.

Recommended Reading:

| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education | Dept of Interior |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio | Terra Times | Voice of EDEN |