[POTUS] BradleyReala interview

Day 983, 05:06 Published in USA France by poulet_coco
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Here is an interview of BradleyReala the president of the united states, he will talk mostly of foreign affairs with Canada and France. ENJOY.

What has your eLife been made of before being POTUS ?

Well, I was a former three time Secretary of State, I directed the citizen task force, and I was a Colonel in the United States National Guard.

And what have you done during your presidency?

So far we've repulsed a Russian Invasion, and are prepping to protect our allies in Croatia from a PTO. Among other things, my administration has helped the eUSA prepare for V2 by studying and picking apart the modules piece by piece.

Projects for the end of the term?

We plan to continue working with the modules, and hopefully protecting Ireland. There are a few other projects, but those are the big ones.

What do you think about EDEN?

EDEN is a good group of people. We've had our ups and downs, but I think that we've finally started to work together, as an alliance should, again.
Non-officially, same answer. My stance is that of America's. EDEN had a few tumbles coming into V2, but we've got a lot going for us, and we'll turn it around.

And how do you see Canada politically, their foreign affair choices, their opinion leaders?

I was disappointed that Canada turned down the rental agreement. I was hoping to get titanium for the eUSA, but unfortunately the price tag was just far too high. Our bros will still be bros, though, and we don't harbor any resentment.
Jacobi was the major voice against Canadian titanium being rented by the eUSA. I wish he had thrown his support behind it, but his opinion is valid.
I have heard good things about them, and I will continue to watch the Canadian CP campaign closely, but I'd rather not offer any opinion currently. Regardless of who is elected, Canada should have a good CP.

And for France, what do you think of its FA politic, and its alliance: ENTENTE?

I've always liked the French, and I'm sorry that they have a tough time getting along with many of our allies. I hope that someday they'll join arms with the eUSA as friends and brothers, rather than as a neutral party.
So far I have been pleased that France is attempting to make amends with its former enemies. I hope that that trend continues.

To finish what do you think of a USA – CANADA – FRANCE alliance?

I have my doubts about a US/Can/France alliance, simply due to the fact that Canada and France have a tough time getting along. I would love to see France join Canada and the eUSA, I just have doubts about the feasibility of it.

I would like to thank Bradley to have answered to this interview, this will be also published in France and in Canada.

Next interview : St Krems future POTUS ?

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