[POTUS] A New Beginning

Day 1,143, 18:32 Published in USA Canada by Haliman
Be sure to check out my full Cabinet on the forum!

Alright, America, this is not going to be my longest article.

First, let me thank my supporters for voting for me yesterday! I also want to extend a new hand of cooperation to people who did not. We are all on the same team, and we should all be working towards a similar goal: A Greater America.

If you want to help out this month, please stay tuned to both my paper, and the Whitehouse Press Report. Keep a specific field you’d like to assist in in mind, since we will have multiple job openings. We really are looking forward to a successful month, and I hope you are too! In addition, please fill out the government jobs interest form! Help us make this month amazing!

I published this article later in the day, because me and my team have been working tirelessly to get everyone in place for this month. Organization will be needed in order to have a successful month!

I am currently in talks personally with the Canadian Parliament about their entry into PanAm; the talks are going smoothly. As I said in a previous article, I will continue to help shape PanAm, and make it stronger. We are also looking overseas for allies, which means that PanAm may be renamed in the coming days to reflect a broader reach. On the subject of alliances, we are also aware that things are shifting around quite a bit, but rest assured, this administration is hitting the ground running to address these new developments.

The White House Internship Program will be taking off in the next few days! Expect more info from the next WHPR.

Operation: Clickaholics will also begin next week! I will publish an article with all of the information people will need, as well as a volunteer sign-up sheet. Let’s get everyone in the niche that they will most enjoy, and get retention to a new high!

I’m going to try something new with this newspaper. Throughout the month, I will be publishing updates from this paper, and at the end of each article, I will post a Question of the Article. This is just going to be my way of seeing what the public wants. I would encourage each and every one of you to take a moment and submit an answer!

Question of the Article:
Which Phoenix (or formerly Phoenix) country would you MOST like us to ally with if the scenario arises?

I will publish your choice in the next article!

PS: I take back ever making fun of Krems for messing up the NCM What kind of coding is this? There should be a preview button!

Until Next Time,
