[Politics]Truth In Politics

Day 651, 10:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Many will ask upon reading the title: Is there really such a thing?

The short answer is no, there really isn't. See, Politics is really misnamed. It should be "Power Jockey" or "Title Monger", but not many are willing to listen to that version of the story. For those of us who have spent most of our careers within its vicious circle, we all know better. Most just aren't willing to tell that side of the Story.

Politics is a long, hard fought journey to the Top of the Erepublik Pyramid. For anyone who's ever had to campaign for political dominance, they know the true test of virtue and strength is the journey rather than the reward. To be elected as President isn't a reward, really. It's a burden. It has always been that way, dating back to when the President controlled the entire treasury, and almost every economic decision the country could make. A job which you spend countless hours just being online, being that ever-calming presence. The job of a President is not to make decisions, but to guide others in their thought process. This is the most harsh reality a President realises when he finally gets to the Pinnacle of his career. Simply put, the Job of President just isn't "fun as advertised".

Getting back to basics, Politics revolves around one thing: Party Positioning. It really isn't that difficult. Being in a top leadership position within a large political party is the stepping stone of almost every President in the History of Erepublik. The vicious truth that lies within that power struggle is simple: Party Politics promote partisanship. They always have, and they always will.

Now, before I get too far off the subject, most "supporters" of major parties will tell you how wrong I am, and that their party is "all for the coordination and teamwork to improve the country". It's a pretty standard line that all parties employ to reduce the criticism of "Political Manuevering", however it is evident in almost every election. Go to the Election page, and see where the voting support comes from, and you'll find that most successful candidates have "Endorsements". Most of the more inactive players, when voting, look to see who's supported by more than one party.

In recent elections, it has even become the cool thing to do to take over dead parties (since they never really deleted the parties from Beta, they just let them die), and support their candidate with funny names and slogans. This happens in almost every country, and is something you just can't get around.

But why are Party Politics so mechanically poor? Simply put, having cool titles does not mean you can lead anyone else. There are many many people who gain power, and yet fail on the most basic level: No one really wants to listen to them. There have been many people in the opposite position, which have been great leaders but haven't earned the title due to political manuevering by Parties. Campaigns based on Ideals simply do not improve a country. They never have. Leaning to one side or the other spells certain doom in Erepublik, as a blanket solution in idealism does not apply well to every problem created. We have Socialists and Communists who want State Run companies. Due to game mechanics, it's impossible to prevent people from entering fields and opening companies. This hurts your general population greatly as it limits their options. Remembering Erepublik is a Game that is meant to be fun for everyone is tough to do for most Socialists, unless you're already successful enough to be one of the so-called "Elite". Capitalists on the other hand usually prefer markets free from direct Government interference (for you non-Capitalists there are such things as controlled in a Capitalists preferred market, even if you don't want to admit it), allowing each Erepublikan to make their own choices.

But which is better?

Well, the easy answer is none of them. But most don't want to hear that. Why, you might ask?

Because you can't be involved in decision making or have a career in politics without a Party Endorsement of some kind. This is where Erepublik is mechanically flawed. You can argue about a pure Utopia in Erepublik all you want. The Truth is, that while we're bound to Party Allegiences for the sake of Endorsements, there won't be one. Allowing Independants to run, basing elections more on knowledge and choice, rather than how many Parties you can fit into the "Endorsed By" screen would actually do some good.

Know your country. Know your politics. Know your community, and be a part of it. If you want some say, then utilise your vote. You don't go from 1 vote to 1000 instantly. Each vote counts for one person, so make yours heard.
