[Poland] Few words about polish statement from polish ambassador

Day 863, 04:59 Published in Ukraine Poland by Cerberus69
Hello friends

I am writing this article concerning statement of the Polish Government regarding MPP with Ukraine. That official information from polish side has created a lot of queries and question, although it was written to answer the questions about MPP-issue. I find necessary to add some words to this statement.

Why Poland refuse signing the MPP?

As we can read in official statement: the reason of our decision is the fact, that ukrainian national military forces has fought against Poland in resistance wars in French regions, because of your president’s order. Let's stop here and look at some points:

- Ukraine joined Entente on 4th of January. Poland has had nothing against that, moreover - here you can find the article, where Poland says that in our opinion partnership like Entete is good step in Ukrainian path to neutrality. We did not chang our mind.

- Poland started to occupy French territories not on this month but earlier. Earlier our countries did not have problems like that. Why? Because, by polish-ukrainian agreement, your army did not receive orders to fight against Poland in RWs. You were helping France
by fighting in battles against Spain, and situation generally was clear, without problems or misunderstandings.

- Some of you wrote below polish article comments like &quot😉o not be like Russia! :<". All we remember situation in Germany and Russian reaction for it. In my opinion, this situations are quite diffrent. Instead of explaining, I draw it for you 😁

That’s why Poland refused MPP with Ukraine:

That’s why Russia refused MPP with Ukraine:

In that case Poland has nothing against ukrainian military operations:

What has changed in ukrainian-polish relations?

Ukraine has sent national army to fight agains Poland. It has hurt us, because our relations were very good and we used to look at Ukraine as a friendly country. These are the facts.

But it does not mean, that Poland will stop cooperating with Ukraine. It does not mean, that you became our enemies... We remember:

- History of our partnership is long, only this month that kind of situation took place.
- Not all Ukrainians have fought against Poland.
- Majority of Ukrainians want to be friends and allies with Poland, including your current government (!).

We never wanted the war with Ukraine and we do not want it now. We still would like to see Ukraine as our friend. Because of your operations, we cannot sign Mutual Protection Pact with you, and of course if you don’t stop actions like that, our relations will get worse. It is natural.
But if you stop choosing Poland as a worse ally, and the next presidental elections in Ukraine will be won by the candidate, who is eager to empower our friendship - ukrainian-polish relationships can be rebuilt, we are pretty sure about that. Poland hopes, that you will choose that way.

So do not forget: We belive in you, Ukraine! 🙂

Polish ambassador to Ukraine