[PM] Updates: What is going on?

Day 1,085, 14:40 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great
It is vitally important that you FIGHT IN MADRID. Fight hard, it is a huge important battle. Cheers

Greetings, first off I would like to thank you all for voting for me in the past elections, and give me the chance to run the country one last time. As I'm sure you are aware, I was pretty adament that this term would be one of progression for our nation. I aim to get our lost regions back, whilst helping our allies within Phoenix attack (France), defend (Germany) but also; to survive (the rest of our great Phoenix allies). The past month has been one of mixed fortunes. Whilst the UK, Estonia and Germany have lost regions and Russia has faced a severe PTO threat, nations such as Hungary, Brazil Serbia and France have enjoyed quite a few successful excursions into EDEN nations. Although only France and Brazil have managed to keep up the momentum on their side and are at present, doing pretty well.

Whilst on the grander scheme of things we are doing well, we have quite a few domestic issues to face. Firstly, the relationship between our Military and our Political structures has broken down. Many will try to state that it is just TUP (The Unity Party) who has had a problem with the military, I really think such statements are short sighted. The relationship between the Military and the state as a whole (including non-military) has broken down; exacerbated by the theft of our military companies (which was later undone due to illegal actions.) The main goal of my administration will not only be to help the domestic structures regain their viscosity and effect, but also to ensure that this breakdown in relations within our state is fixed, and create systems which will ensure that our country isn't tapered by such a state of affairs again.

I hope that you will support me in my endeavours this month; to help the UK (and everyone in it) please make sure you give the following links a quick look; if you don't know what they are, give them a click and get involved!

Sign up to the UK Military here

Don't forget to move to london and protect the UK!

Make sure you join the official UK forums!

If you want to get ahead in erepublik and learn how all the exciting modules work check out our fantastic wiki tutorial!

Lots of love,