[PM] UK Politics

Day 654, 13:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

Hello eUK!

This being my last day of Presidency, I'd thought I'd give my view on the current state of eUK Politics before I give my final article in summary of what we have achieved over the past two months.

We are on the eve of the Presidential Elections, and up until a few minutes ago, it had proved to be an enthralling race; one that we had not seen for months in the eUK. Three very electable candidates running against each other in what could be an extraordinarily tight race.

However, due to some circumstances which are not known at present, the "Red Submarine" candidate, Scipio, has been forced to drop out of the election. It appears the most likely reason is because of inactivity.

Regardless of these sudden changes, the "Red Submarine" has still decided to stick together and have chosen to support Widdows9000 instead of Scipio. This has come as a shock to myself, and probably most of the eUK. I will not go into detail as to why I believe that Widdows, despite being a likable character and a strong Paratrooper, is not a good candidate for Country President. This situation we are in, however, does show the fundamental flaws with the Politics in the eUK.

Firstly, Presidential Elections are meant to be about the person. The public are put forward with a list of candidates primarily, not a list of Parties. So when the "Red Submarine" chose to stick together, regardless of who the candidate is, shows an inherent misunderstanding of how the President is to be elected. I have very strong doubts as to if the "Red Submarine" truly believe that Widdows900 is the best candidate from the bunch.

A President is not something that you should settle for second-best. If Scipio was unable to run, then I believe that the Submarine should've simply decided to either not support any candidate, or support one of the current contenders on the ballot. Widdows is simply not ready to be President.

This comes to the fundamental issue that this raises within eUK Politics; the Parties are serving themselves rather than the eUK as a whole.

Unless they are hugely mis-guided, I cannot believe that they would think that Widdows is the most qualified candidate for President. Therefore, I can only come to the conclusion that the Red Submarine chose to continue to stick together simply for the convenience of still having a "winning-election".

There are many benefits to the Parties who have a Country President, but the negatives to the Country of the President being simply unprepared far outweigh the minimal positives to the Party.

As such, Political Parties in the eUK need to get out of this rut, and think how they could best serve the eUK, rather than the other way around. The eUK must continue to improve and this can only be achieved through co-operation towards the same goals, through competent leaders, rather than sporadically minded Parties with petty political aims.

Thank you,

Hassan Pesaran
Prime Minister of the eUK