[PM]The Term Political Science is Made Up

Day 793, 09:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
As we reach the next phase of Elections in Commons, here's a small but truthful FAQ/Tutorial for anyone who wants to join into the all nighter known as "Congress". It may be blunt to some extent, but it is what it is. As most will say, I'm not very good at the Sugarcoat.

Introduction - Hi, my name is Johnathan.

I am running for Commons in Wales! I intend to push our Government into buying Q5 hospitals for every region, and improving our Regional Forum activity. I'll represent your wishes in Congress, and do as you ask. I'll make every weapon free, decrease all taxes to 0, and give you 100 G per day just for living in my region.

Disclaimer: No, Johnathan does not actually represent anyone in particular. Quit being a Sissy.

The Problem with Big Ideas

Now, as most anyone will know, all of those ideas are the following:

1. They do not follow game mechanics (ie impossible, such as giving everything away and cutting taxes completely).
2. They are unreasonable (ie giving away Gold for not living in London, among other things).
3. Would be counterproductive (ie putting a Q5 Hospital in Wales of all places, as well as Regional Forum Activity).
4. Only written for the sole reason of getting votes, as an MP would never be able to make those decisions.

What the UK demands from its MPs - Realist Goals, Expectations

Now, by this time, every new player is probably shouting &quot😉ish, you're an ass. You just took away all my dreams!" Well, the bottom line is, when you play Erepublik, you should go into things knowing what will be asked and expected of you. As your Prime Minister, they are as follows:

1. Voting Stuff. That's right. It's the simplest part of the MPs job. They vote Yes or No to donations, taxes, hospitals, and anything else you want to vote on. An MP cannot propose Alliances, Constructions, or any of the other jazz.

2. Cleaning out our Treasury. This goes along with donations, but it's p important. Each time we lose a battle, the game will deduct a percentage of GBP and Gold that we have in the Treasury related to how many regions we control. Making sure we have the bare minimum in there means losing less money in that event.

3. Accepting Citizenship. We have a Council that oversees our Citizen Applications, which is made up of a few guys from Commons. They discuss, accept, or tell other MPs to accept. This makes it easier to protect from dodgy types who want to influence us from within.

4. Discussing stuff. We discuss things such as MPPs, new schemes to try and keep new players, and generally just help out wherever we can.

That's the basic stuff we do in Commons. If you want to have high hopes, help out player retention, and so on, that's cool. You can help all that stuff already. Keep whatever your goals are FUNCTIONAL. That would actually be helpful.

But please, please, please, please, please, please do not promise the World. And for Heaven's sake, if they do, please do not vote for them.

Using Logic - Would you Spend 1200 Gold on a region that holds no extra value to you?

Small editorial bit here, just for added reading time.

So, these days, we're all the rage. We've basically turned into the Malaysian/Thai Training War, as no one has seriously attacked us, but we're under constant mainland attack just so we can't block Spain. This is not a bad thing, really. It's allowing Phoenix troops from all over the World to gain 5 Million+ damage each day collectively, leveling up as they do it. This means we get stronger globally, while the 2000 citizens of Sweden gain, and not much more.

That being said, is invading the UK really worth it to our enemies?

Sure, they're pissed about us not being friends anymore, we get that. They've all got this false sense of "payback" that they seem to think we'll "feel bad" for not being their friends, or that they'll feel better. Sorry to say this probably isn't going to work, but for kicks:

London costs roughly 1200 G as it is now to attack. Combine that with the rest of the Gold it will take to attack us and take our regions, and you're looking at a rough estimate of 4000 G for any one country to conquer us. Throw in some fake blocking attacks, and various region swaps when they're done, and per country in EDEN, just for that little adventure, they're probably upwards of 6000 to 8000 G.

Now, the only thing we have of value is London. It has High Grain, and most of our Economy. We're not naive or stupid, we know this. But the US, Canada, Spain, and Poland all have High Grain, and rather large economies as it stands. Sweden and Norway could use the Grain, but neither one have an active population large enough to secure mass RW's to keep them.

So, in effect, does it really make sense to invade us?

I think everyone can see the logical answer. If anyone does choose to, then we'll fight back and probably win if we're only looking at one front, but no one can claim to be intelligent to do so.

Also, I welcome the First President of the US who has the courage to run on the platform of invasion, and actually doing something about it this time.

Prime Minister