[PM]Some Things Every President Needs...

Day 833, 07:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
As the curtains draw to a close, here's a small list of what each person running for President should have handy for the coming month, if they are electe😛

The Number 1 item all Presidents should carry with them at all times:

Basically, as a President, you sleep when you can. At any given time, you could be needed to be up and pushing buttons, to talk to allies across the World, to do your duty as the duly elected representative of your country. Wouldn't want an entire invasion to fail because you overslept, would you?

The Number 2 item all Presidents should carry with them at all times:

filled with a healthy mixture of:


Basically, this job will pull you in every direction. You might have a full head of hair when you start, and unless you're carrying your pills, you'll end completely bald. When Jacobi took office in Canada, he had a full head of hair. Here is a more recent picture of him, however:

And lastly, the third thing each President needs to have in his possession at all times:

In most cases, a President has been around long enough to know how things work. With the number of PM's each of us get telling us how awesome it would be to attack South America (from the UK, mind you, which was kind of funny), make a colony out of Australia, why Delaware isn't being retaken by the United States, or why people just can't retake HelloKitty or Liaoning (because, you know how easy it is, right?), you need a bull horn to both effectively communicate how easy all those things would be.

I mean, we have magic buttons right? I saw this my first day in office:

Didn't every President have one of those?

To either AV or Kara, have fun, it's been a blast.

Hugs and Kisses,
Soon to be Former Prime Minister (again)