[PM]Polandball Winners and Runner Ups

Day 785, 19:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
As best we could tell, all of these entries were original entries for Erepublik related Polandball content. There were several more than I can't post on Erepublik itself, but here is your winner and runner ups:

Fifth Place - Joachim Von Bremen

Simple, yet gets the point across so well.

Fourth Place - elbanaan

Poland cannot into Space ;_;

Third Place - Pensive

That sounds just like their playbook.

Second Place - GemAlex

Poland cannot into Space ;_;

First Place - John Forseti

This one exemplified everything we needed to know about Poles, Americans, and anyone else.

I had an absolute blast with this competition. I may even distribute prizes to some just for the amount of time they spent trying to win, and perhaps we can do this again soon.

Prime Minister

PS - Since Gem's isn't going to show up on here for some odd reason, I'll post another:

Made by John Forseti as well