[PM] Making our Military V2 Ready!

Day 875, 13:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GLaDOS
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(warning, Long involved article. this is important so no tl;dr will be provided, just read it!)

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Dear Citizens of the United Kingdom,

Over the coming week the military shall be entering a reform period. This reform is being enacted at the behest of my MoD, as well as from recommendation by many of my military advisers, and by those at the top of the military chain of command. The new Military will be more streamlined, more active, and much more ready to deal with the trials of Version 2. I believe these changes are necessary to ensure our V2 readiness as a country, as well as ensuring the activity of our armed forces remain at peak levels.

We shall be moving from a military with two distinct branches into one where people can
progress within an umbrella branch. As their skill and strength increases so do their
weapons, making us a more damage efficient country, laying down the most amount of
damage we can at possible battles.

The basis of these reforms will be basing the military upon the British Army.

The Army will be divided into 3 branches:

## Army Training Centre ##
This branch will be where people apply to the Army. They will be taught basic game
mechanics, how the army operates and some basic IRC knowledge as IRC activity is
essential to be in the Army.

## British Army ##
This will be the bulk branch of the military. The key to this branch will be its strength
in numbers and mobility.
All members of the Army will be IRC active, receiving weapons, moving tickets and orders
through IRC.
We feel that in V2 the more organised and co-ordinated army will be the victor. Having theArmy on IRC allows us to do that.
The Army will be divided into 4 section, Infantry, Royal Artillery, Royal Armoured Corps and
Army Air Corps. Soldiers will be places in these sections ready for V2 so we can
hit the ground running and make our army the most adaptable in the new world.

Note: We have ideas to help co-ordinate the population that do not use IRC.

## Special Air Service ##
This will be the elite section of the UK military. Strong, quick and medium sized.
As they are stronger it stands to reason that they have a higher skill as well, this
means they can work in higher quality companies making better weapons for more damage.
The SAS will be IRC active where they will get orders, supply and co-ordination.
The SAS will have 4 sections where each section will mean a certain skill in V2, tank,
infantry, artillery or helicopter. SAS Soldiers will take up the skill where they are

The requirements for the SAS are either rank of Field Marshal or General with
strength of 15.

Over the coming week Royal Navy members will be asked to come on IRC and query
Tom_Morgan, Polio or RRNapier and tell them their desired strength skill, they will then
be transferred into that area of the Army. After one week the Royal Navy section on the
hub will be deleted and anyone who did not transfer will be considered inactive.

Also, as part of these reforms, the role of Minister of Defence will be dissolved and
the previous role of Chief of the Defence Staff shall be renamed Chief of the General
Staff, who will run the military.

If you are in the military, please see the private forums for more information.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and remember, we can only move forward as a united group, a truly United Kingdom!

UK Prime Minister