[PM] Its time to pay back our allies

Day 900, 07:21 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Esteemed citizens. I come today, asking your assistance once more. Our truly amazing allies have sent the message out: they need our help. After lengthy campaigns in Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria and Turkey, phoenix has used a lot of gold.

To continue our march upon EDEN, and to restore our friends to their full strength, we require more Gol😛 we require the help of everyone. Should every active member of our society donate just one gold that is over 2500 gold for phoenix; over 2500 gold we can invest or use to aide our allies.

I know that together, we can aide phoenix: I know that between us, we can help the allies which have treated us so dearly, and defended us and our interests on so many occasions. It is our turn to support others, and I, for one, hope we can do all we can. Please read, vote and subscribe to this newspaper, and then

http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/donate/items/2251011">Donate HERE

Thank you,
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom