[PM] Having Fun

Day 640, 02:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

Hello eUK!

Our media is now being flooded with EDEN propaganda. How does it feel to be so loved?

They're telling us we spent 600 Gold uselessly, we have lost respect of PEACE, and that we are a useless nation.

Yes, we did spend 600 Gold on wellness packs, that is true. We had roughly 4500 Gold in the Bank of England, and what else are we gonna do with it? Gold is there to be SPENT - not hoarded for no reason. Our market is still stable, we have some decent reserves, and we have a top notch Minister of Finance.

I'm pretty sure watching/fighting in Alberta was some of the most fun a lot of you have had in eRepublik ever. This is what makes this game fun - fighting battles, co-ordinating strikes and SPENDING GOLD.

So just because people are saying how terrible we are, ignore them. Sit back, relax, take a deep breath and look at the bigger picture. This is a game, treat it that way.

I know I had fun organising Alberta, and you probably all had fun fighting in it! So what did we really lose? We lost a High Wood region, sure, that is a shame. But we never had one to begin with, so it was just a bonus.

By whining and moaning, you achieve nothing, so don't do it. Try to look for solutions to our problems, work with Military Commanders, but please - dont whine.

Also, I would like to say a proper congratulations to EDEN for Alberta, without the snidey bullshit. I was a bit frustrated last night. So yeah, you genuinely did a good job - we were simply outgunned. They had more soldiers than us, and they used them well; nothing we can do about that.

Regarding PEACE - they still love us, we love them. Dont worry about that.

So yeah, PEACE out eUK - chillax

Hassan Pesaran
Prime Minister of the eUK