[PM]Flats in London - Half off Rent/Other Things

Day 791, 07:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
For Rent: Flats in London, spacious, roomy, and well designed. Great view of City, nearby shopping, great jobs. Apply within.

France, Ireland, War

Ireland can into Space, just like us.

France can into Space, just like us.

Poland cannot into Space, or the Southeast, Southwest, or any other region of the Isle, or grammar....still.

Sweden cannot into the Highlands, or Space. Or nice furniture.

Domestic News

Do not forget to send your daily PM to your new player. Meeting new players, getting them involved, getting them active (and addicted, eventually) is what will help us improve. We do not need strength training or Wellness Packs. We need recruitment and retention. The rest of that stuff comes in time.

Announcement regarding Elections - Presidency

As it stands, I intend to offer my candidacy for another term to all parties in the eUK, should they be willing to hear it. Overall this term, we've managed to defend ourselves from invasion, stick up for our allies, and not live in fear. We're working together as a group, we haven't squabbled over Partisan politics in a long time, and we're improving daily. Our active citizen counts were above 3,000 for the past week, which shows improvement. Our income, our markets, and our Military have seen improvements (small but significant tweaks).

I will PM any Party President a short outline of my continued plans, although they mainly center around my three principles:

1. I take no crap. I feel like the UK should not be afraid of invasion, and should the day come, should relish the opportunity to defend itself and bond as a Nation United, not one divided.
2. I don't do party politics. I do no favors.
3. I will represent everyone, yet belong to no one. Everyone has equal say, all of the time.

With that, I wish each candidate in the upcoming Elections for Congress luck.

Prime Minister for the eUK