[PM]Day 798 - War, FA, and Domestic Stuff

Day 798, 21:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
For any new citizen to the United Kingdom, please vote and subscribe to our Ministry of Defence newspaper, is it broadcasts the fighting location for our general population.

War Updates - Day 798

Sweden chose not to block us again after the attack on Midgetland Day 797, so we launched an offensive into their last held Danish region to remove their access to our mainland. This should be easily won, since Sweden couldn't beat half our MPPs by themselves, let alone them all combined.

We're basically all the rage among EDEN. Shortly after the attack on Nordjylland, Sweden, we attacked Lower Normandy in Spain, which is a French held region. All citizens should be fighting in Lower Normandy.

Training War - Day 798

Canada has hit us in Wales. Wales of all places. So, they basically spent money, and activated our MPP with Argentina, giving the General population of almost every Phoenix country daily fighting. This is quite gracious of them. They're going to tell you that it's eating damage, but you'll also notice the US sent mobile troops to Pakistan, while their ally Romania is getting handily beaten in their last remaining Bulgarian Colony of Ruse. So much for Romania's march to Asia, as that will have to be "placed on the backburner", as EDEN likes to put it.

Embargo with Bolivia

Bolivia has been generally a thorn in the side of our good friends down in the ALA. They're generally run by crazies, allied with Poland, and last I heard starting serving Polish Soup as their National Cuisine of choice.

Now, you all know we can't have them accepting that, so we're going to stop trading crumpets and anything else with Bolivia until they realise Polish Soup comes pre-made with the flies.

Recent intelligence also suggests they, too do not understand the difference between Indonesia and Poland. Certainly not the friendly type. This was voted near unanimously in our Commons with Sponsors, new and old. They can have the creaky and broken stuff the US wants to send them, if they fancy second rate goods.

Mainstream American Goods Sales

Domestic Stuff

Today we saw the election of a New Congress. I thank the departing Congress and welcome in the new one, as you'll certainly have your work cut out for you.

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