[PM] Congratulations UK and EDEN

Day 639, 11:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

Hello eWorld,

I have to congratulate the EDEN forces on a well fought fight. They pulled the wall down from +70k to -11k in roughly 10 minutes.

It truly goes to show that the combined forces of a whole Alliance can manage to defeat the forces of one Country; little old eUK.

But if you hadn't noticed, while you were fighting so gallantly in Alberta, you managed to lose Madrid and New Jersey, both regions which have huge importance. The damage and resources you spent in Alberta could've been used to defend both of these regions.

Once again, congratulations on winning Alberta. Next time however, you might want to think about strategic priorities.

In regards to our own forces; we have improved by leaps and bounds under my term. Before I was Prime Minister, we never did co-ordinated strikes, and the Military was rarely funded. Now, co-ordinated strikes are the norm, and both last night and this night we managed to do roughly 80k damage on both occasions, within the space of about 5-10minutes.

We have learnt a lot over these RW, and they are lessons that we will keep with us forever. Our organisational skills are unrecognisable from before, and a huge amount of credit goes to the current Military personnell who have made this possible.

So, congratulations to both sides; EDEN for gaining Alberta, while managing to lose 2 hugely important regions; and the UK for showing how far we have come in terms of Military organisation.

And to our Allies in PEACE; we know that you still trust us, and we appreciate all the help you have given us over the course of the RWs. We will continue to stand by you to the best of our ability, and we can only hope that our blossoming friendship may prevail.

We have not won the battle in Alberta, but we are getting ever closer to our inevitable victory in the War

Hassan Pesaran
Prime Minister of the eUK