[PM] Cabinet; A full list and maor detail

Day 898, 06:15 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

It should be noted, that first and foremost: Joachim von Bremen is in charge of everything. For anything to happen, in any ministry, will require his say so: if he says no, it will not happen. He is to be referred to as OPTUMUS PRIMUS MINISTERUS* and anyone questioning his integrity, knowledge, intelligence or grace as an autobot will be instantly dismissed. Like this guy. Or will become so incessantly horrific, as a person, that they will become completely unbearable: like this guy

Its scary that I can find images for every word, right?

Lay mans terms

valid.gif">Reform and reproduction of multiple cabinets
valid.gif">Integrate the lords so they can contribute

It is simple really: instead of having a single cabinet to oversee everything, I want to setup three cabinets, firstly to ensure that there isn't an overlap (even if they mean well, sometimes ministers get involved in other departments and ruin everything!) between our domestic, economic, military or other departments. Secondly, I think it will allow a more focused approach: by grouping ministers, it will allow them to discuss things with people who will be involved in similar operations, and ensuring that there isn't multiple discussions about multiple themes between multiple people, who all want my attention or input. Its something I think will work, but am open to discussion with if it proves ineffective: consider it a trial of a new system.


My new system

valid.gif">Abolish the House of Lords
valid.gif">Create 3 committees (domestic, military and economic.) Each commitee is made up of lords with that knowledge and past ministers whilst headed by a current minister

I continue to hold the belief that a more vigorous, expanded cabinet system which acknowledges those who have knowledge or experience of a specific area should be included in our system: this will allow them to effectively contribute. As these users would also have access to our congress channels of communication, it would also strengthen the oversight and co-operation between ministries and MPs: working together, we always achieve so much more.

The House of Lords would be abandoned (although this would technically require the agreement of both the House of Commons and House of Lords), and replaced by a committee system. As opposed to solely advising congress on decisions about proposals from ministries, these committees influence would enter in the proposal stage - by advising as well as assisting the ministries. This would mean that proposals before congress would already be ironed out - with a final yes being granted by our elected officials.

Committee members would firstly come from current House of Lords members, as well as all past ministers in the relevant fields (Ministers of Work, or Home Affairs would be domestic committee members, whereas Ministers of Finance or Economics would be economic committee members) Each Committee would be headed by a relevant minister: as well as each minister currently in charge of the ministries which deal with that specific area; this setup creates a community of knowledge, experience and activity: I have no doubt that this will lead to better run ministries, more support for ministers, as well as a valuable input to any reforms.

The most important aspect of this plan is that none of the experience of the Lords is lost, and none of the vitality of the Commons. By using this system we reach a position where we can utilise both qualities for the betterment of the UK. Nobody loses out, everybody wins.

Domestic Ministries

Chief of Social Affairs/Domestic Vice President: John Bartlett
Minister of Home Affairs: bowen199
Minister of Technology: Nice Guy Eddie
Minister of Employment: lap12345
Minister of Rations: Pensive
Minister of Recruitment: Maddog Jones
Speaker of the House of Commons: Elected by Congress.

Economic Ministries

Chief of Economic Affairs/Economic Vice President: Iain Keers
Minister of Finance: elbanaan
Minister of Economics: Roadrunnerspeed
Minister of Profit: Andy Millward
Minister of Social Enterprise: Bob the terrorist

Military Ministries

Chief of Military Affairs/Military Vice President: Polio
Co Ministers of Foreign Affairs: Aelar Vardamir Anari Eneibari and Mr Woldy
Chief of General Defence Staff: Tom Morgan
Supreme Overlord of the Intergalatic British Forces: Hassan Pesaran

Special Envoy to Emericka: Necrosis
Special Envoy to Wales: Meghan
Special Envoy to Ireland: AltmerVampire

That completes my manifesto series: If you wish to review my past publications, then please feel free:

Introduction - found here
Domestic Affairs [1/2] - found here (Sorry for old link, the current one got deleted.)
Domestic Affairs [2/2] - found here (Sorry for another old link ~}~)
Economic Affairs - found here
Military and Foreign Affairs - found here

All that is left for me to do is thank all of those people who have helped me these past few weeks: I won't mention names; there are too many to list. However, it is heartwarming to see so many people from all across the political spectrum embrace my campaign, and support me. Each and every one of you has my eternal gratitude: I'm not the oldest, or the wisest: but I am willing to put the dedication in, and I thank you for your trust, support and kind messages. For one final time, thank you for voting for me.

I love you guys.