[PHOTOS!] Polish eRep meeting @ Kraków, may 2010

Day 903, 03:47 Published in Poland Poland by vingaer

Here are photos for those who would like to witness a trvly Polish eR meeting in Kraków, that took place last weekend. Some of the pics are available in Vinniczek's article {sub the man)

Jeśli Cię zapomniałam albo źle podpisałam -- krzycz w komentach :F

Left top: rondelek, Majowski, ?, Loozak II, stanleysts, StrozeR, Kahzad.r (z tyłu), Theodeus, Iraninnho (w okularach), Sideralek, Koovert
(sitting fags) Kaszan :F, Vegnu, Vini, Miudyk, Marek

To tylko jakaś połowa ludzi, sporo osób, m.in. ja, doszło później / That's like half of the people involved, as many of us, including me, were late

A teraz parę twarzy / And now some faces:

stanleysts, były prezio Peru / ex Peruvian president

adios_pl, były prezio Polski / ex Polish president

Weatherwax, op @ #erepublik.pl + zucha, MGiF / Polish Minister of Finance

Weatherwax once again :E

in memory of Caus [*]

Vegnu, my deputy MoFA slave

Iraninho, ex vMSZ / ex dep MoFA
ArionR, który potem się zmył 🙂
theodeus, jeden z najbardziej kozackich polskich tanków / one of our coolest tanks
StrozeR, obecny prezio / teh current Polish president (the one with beer)
miudyk, trzykrotny prezio / 3 times Pl pres

miudyk 😃

PWL shirt = Exodus, current Minister of Education

vingaer, adios_pl, zucha 😃
notice the wild party taking place everywhere around us!

theodeus, exodus smile, vini w tle, adios, hashan, vingaer, zucha

byłam gdzieś pod spodem / I was somewhere underneath 😐 Serving under yet another president ;[

Kahzad.r, obecny Marszałek Kongresu / the current Speaker of Congress
stanleysts and wujek in the bg

Manedhel, dowódca WP / general of Polish Army
Vinniczek 😃

romantyczne spotkanie moje i StrozeRa / a romantic meeting of PL pres and his mofa ;d

jeszcze bardziej romantyczne spotkanie zuchy i prezia / even more romantic one of teh pres + mof

Vinniczek, jeden z najsilniejszych polskich tanków, ale i tak go nie znacie / one of the strongest Polish tanks, but no one knows him anyway. You can sub his newspaper at least.

BuzzY, owner #erepublik.pl i PCE + założyciel GROM / owner of #erepublik.pl and Polish forums + GROM founder
wujek, dowódca GROM / GROM commander

Lunarek, Koovert (Polish vMoF), rondelek



Loozak II and seriously drunk zuszunia

Radioaktywny, pilot, adios, zucha, vingaer

były i obecny prezio przy flaszce / the ex- and current presidents sharing a bottle of Gorzka Żołądkowa

Hashan and zucha