[PHOENIX]A new month has begun

Day 897, 09:52 Published in Hungary China by Donnie Bronco

Category: Elections
(PHOENI😵 A new month has began

Dear members of PHOENIX,

As always on the 4th of each month, we hold elections. These elections are held in order to choose our new leaders, the people who will lead PHOENIX to war, to victory, and to prosperity over the course of the following month.

The results of these elections are clear. The Presidents of all Member nations have given their vote, which lead to the following members of Headquarters:

Secretary General of the Alliance:
Frerk - Secretary General
Nameisis - Secretary General
Mr Woldy - Deputy SG

Supreme Command of the Alliance:
Battalgazi - Supreme Commander
Brunno - Supreme Commander
Tavo92 - Supreme Commander
Polio - Deputy Supreme commander

Treasury of the Alliance:
Iain Keers - Treasurer
Mitch Rapp - Treasurer

Diplomatic Security:
Rudolf Maister - Diplomatic Security
StiH- Diplomatic Security

We wish them good luck on their new (or old) positions, and hope they'll lead our alliance into victory.

Central Hungary

22 hours ago, EDEN tried to conquer Central Hungary, the main fortress of our Hungarian brothers. It was a two pronged attack from both Poland and Croatia, the latter with many open MPP's.

At the end both we and EDEN spent massive amounts of gold and had used many tanks to push the wall in our favor. After the last frantic minutes; we won. With a huge total of 23 million damage done, both battles were secured.

We want to thank all PHOENIX fighters for using all they had to secure these important regions.
Congratulations to all you Hungarians, you are brave and strong people.

Secretary General of PHOENIX, Frerk
Deputy SG of PHOENIX, Mr Woldy


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