♥ Peep! Don't Hurt Me! ♥ [MoC]

Day 897, 22:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

My Wonderful, Amazing, Beautiful eIrish Citizens:

The Princess must first apologize for letting her people suffer from the lack of community fun and games. She is grateful to those who checked on her with kind PMs and defended her with nice shout-outs in articles. However, she is ashamed and wishes to make no excuses for her neglect in her duties. She appreciates the concern her kind kingdom showed her during her leave. And, no, contrary to many of your beliefs, she was not being held captive by Dylanb. But the Princess so loves the brave knights who offered their galant assistance if such had been the case.
She only hopes to make it up to you all with a fun new game and her triumphant return to her Princess duties ♥



The lottery drawing (from so long ago, I know...don't hurt me) has not been forgotten!
The lucky number was 34 and the closest contestant was Mr. Sean Power with the number 37! Sean is the winner of a flitterific jackpot of 80 IEP and an added bonus:
A Princess kiss

♥ MWAH! ♥ Shhh...don't tell patton 😉

The next lottery is now open! Please donate 5 IEP per ticket to the Irish Community Org to play. Please remember to PM your number(s) (1-99) to the Org as well! Buy your tickets before this round ends on Day 904

Two Truths and A Lie WINNERS!

If you can harken back to a few weeks ago with that wonderful contest Quirke and the Princess called "Two Truths and A Lie," you should be excited to know the winners and the lies!

The Answers

The Winners!

Who were the lucky people that knew Dan wasn't a gymnast and the Princess doesn't have a fish?
♥ 1st Place: Michael Hook
♥ 2nd Place: John Gormley
♥ 3rd Place: Joe Hitman
♥ 4th Place: Biffo3000
♥ 5th Place: MoonBeam

The Princess will be sending the prizes over to the winners soon! Make sure you give them a nice congratulations PM when you have the chance 🙂


So the Princess was putting her Thinking Tiara on to really come up with something that was fun and new and exciting for her eIrish Loves. And she thought and she thought and then she hate some Peeps, and then she came up with a flitterific game she likes to call:


AH! She's so excited!
Here's How it Works
Below are pictures of the avatars of your fellow eIrelanders. But wait! They're all jumbled up!
Your job is to identify WHO the jumbled avatar belongs to!

For Example
Let's say I give you an exceptionally beautiful, but especially jumbled avatar like the one on the left below:

Of course you would guess that it's the one and only Irish Princess as seen on the right.

And Now For the Main Event!

Picture One

Picture Two

Picture Three

Picture Four

Picture Five

Picture Six

Picture Seven

Picture Eight

Please submit your answers in the following format:
Picture 1: Imaginary Citizen
Picture 2: Ms. Citizen

This contest ends on Day 903

The Prizes
Here's what you can win!
♥ 1st Place: 5 Gold
♥ 2nd Place: 3 Q5 Weapons
♥ 3rd Place: 2 Q5 Weapons
♥ 4th Place: 1 Q5 Weapon
♥ 5th Place: 0.5 Gold
♥ 6th-15th Place: 10 IEP and Princess hugs and kisses ♥
♥ 15th+ Place: 5 IEP and Princess ♥s

Please play and have FUN! Remember to buy your lottery tickets too!

Irish Princess ♥
Ministress of Community