[PEACE GC] Applications for War Games

Day 609, 08:58 Published in Hungary Portugal by Arthk

Peace Headquarters - Jakarta
09:00 Erepublik Central Time
Day 609

I am Kurzemes Karalis Kristaps (http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1343649), the official PEACE wargames organizer.

I am contacting you today with an offer to join in War games that will be hosted by eLatvia and eLithuania.

The period of these War games will be at least 3 months with a possibility that they shall be extended. There shall be battles held every two days i.e. a battle will start at approximately 12:00 server time on day 1, end on 12:00 server time on day 2 and the next battle shall begin at 12:00 server time on day 3 and so forth. The fee for each battle shall be 4 to 5 gold depending on the amount of members joining the games.

A clarifiaction: in order to participate in the war games a MPP will have to be signed with eLithuania, so the initial costs are 30+30g. Payments will be done in bi-weekly segments.

If your country is interested in taking part in the wargames, please contact http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1343649 from the presidential account with a link to the national bank and it's manager.

The current list of participants:

1. United Kingdom
2. Lithuania
3. Bulgaria
4. Mexico
5. Austria
6. Germany
7. Peru
8. Uruguay
9. Slovenia
10. Colombia
11. Estonia
12. India
13. Brazil
14. Serbia


-Kurzemes Karalis Kristaps
PEACE GC Wargames Organizer