[PASKAU] Do You Want to Serve Your Country?

Day 911, 19:17 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Joseph Straatmann

Many attempts have been made in the past to form a military for Malaysia. The most successful attempts always came from starting small such as with PASKAU, TUAH and the Training Division. Whenever a full military was attempted it failed very quickly. Lately even PASKAU, TUAH and the Training Division have either failed or are failing. Many players have tried to make a Malaysian military and found the challenge to hard. The failure of their efforts were through no fault of their own, there simply never were enough interested players. Now it's my turn to try.

I've been reappointed to the post of commander of PASKAU Squadron and I've already begun setting up the squadron. Now all I need is willing soldiers to fill out the ranks. At this point I want to have about the following:

1 Second-in-Command of the Squadron
2 Sub-Commanders
2 Second-in-Commands for the Sub-Commanders
20 or so grunts

That's 25 people not including myself. That's a tall order considering that past efforts have had trouble getting even 10. The difference with my squadron is that I have almost no requirements for my potential soldiers. I'm not asking that you meet a certain strength requirement or that you have a certain rank to join. All those requirements that usually come with military's can be attained by anyone that wants to spend the time to train and fight. What I want are people that are willing to fight for their country and defend it at all costs. I need players that have shown in the past or the present that they will stand and fight when others give up the battle for lost. From what I've seen, Malaysia is full of these kind of players and I should have no trouble finding 25.

If you are interested in joining PASKAU Squadron as a grunt or a potential officer, go to http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dHRTLVJDNmlOV0FJT2h6Ry1EakRGUFE6MQ and fill out the form. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message or comment below.

In order for a military to run efficiently it needs more than just soldiers. It needs people behind the scenes, people that don't necessarily even fight. I need people that are willing to maintain Google Docs and help distribute weapons and moving tickets when they are needed. These players can be soldiers of PASKAU Squadron or they can be normal citizens that just want to help out. More than anything I need someone that knows Excel really well because I'm still trying to learn 😛 If you are interested in one of these jobs please mail me and we can talk.

Gen Joseph Straatmann
Commander-PASKAU Squadron