[PaPP] 1st Olympic Games

Day 2,318, 23:17 Published in Australia Chile by Marjoo Umbri

The Procreate and Populate Party is all about getting younger Australia players involved and active in the eAustralian community, focusing on player retention through continued interest in eRepublik and the community we build around it. Taking inspiration from the People's Communist Party Olympics in the eUK, I am proud to announce the first ever Procreate and Populate Party Olympic Games! This is a long-running event open to anyone of any party, where prizes are awarded for the best scores in individual (flash game) events and even larger prizes awarded to the overall score leaders of the games.

The rules are simple. Anyone can enter; simply compete in the current event and take a screenshot of your best score and post it in the comments section below. Prizes will be awarded to the top three scores, as well as consolation prizes for anyone who enters. Placers and entrants will also score point towards the overall scoreboard. Anyone who enters receives 1 point, 3rd places received 2 points, 2nd places 3 points and 1st place 5 points. At the end of the competition (which could go on a rather long time depending on our funds) the top 5 places will receive a special grand prize!


All entrants and their robot unicorn compete across the three disciplines of dressage, cross-country and show jumping, with a high emphasis on holding on to the night and feeling no shame. The most skilled in this event are those who can be and make believe with their equestrian partner and live in harmony, harmony for extended periods of time. Open your eyes Olympians!

First Place - 48 Q6 Weapons
Second Place - 36 Q6 Weapons
Third Place - 24 Q6 Weapons
All entrants - 12 Q6 Weapons

Full prizes will only be awarded to PaPP members. As much as I wish I could give out more valuable prizes to all eAustralians, I do not yet have the funds (I'm a fairly new player myself, as you may know). Thus, non-PaPP members will only be awarded 50% of their prize.

Overall prizes are to be announced, as I'm still working on gathering funds for this competition. If you're interested in contributing to the cause, whether you're a PaPP member or not, and becoming a Champion of Athleticism, please contact me as apart from a small donation from Guagature to get things started this will be run entirely out of my own pocket - and my pockets are far from bottomless.

Get riding people!

Click the logo to join the Procreate and Populate Party, Australia's number one party for young citizens!

(Note from the editor: Sorry for the general inactivity of Recti Custos lately, I've been extremely busy with work and the such, and I've been trying to chase up an interview with a particular person for almost two weeks now to no avail, so I have lazily neglected to request any other interviews. Be sure of a new Portrait of a Citizen in coming days!