[ONE] First eRepublik International Meeting in 1 week, you are still not late

Day 1,362, 09:29 Published in Serbia North Macedonia by ONE HQ

Dear eRepublikans,

Few months ago there were several articles about the first International eRepublik Meeting in Budapest. That time we cleared the time table, and the programme. There was quite a good turnout about the articles, and as we counted more than 100 people noticed us that are attending to the event.

As the last articles about the event published months ago we decided to make a media campaign again.

Since the articles, we made the programme fix, look after organizers, and contacted with the eRepublik Labs about any possible help or support they can give. The team were kind, and they offered their help, right now we are talking about this issue.

International Erepublik meeting - 19-21st August, Budapest

We would like to bring your attention to the first upcoming international meeting that will be held between the 19th and 21st of August in Budapest, Hungary.
Budapest is in the centre of Europe, easily reachable from most of the active eRepublik countries, like Romania, Poland, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria etc.

Everyone is welcome, we hope that each one of you is going to have a good time here.

So let’s see the details:

The date:

- we set the date at the end of August so you can plan ahead. We know that you cannot organise a foreign trip overnight so you have plenty of time to make this long weekend free.
- as some of you know, the 20th of August is a national holiday in Hungary. That means, you are not just given the opportunity to meet players from all over the world but you can also see the the city celebrate and make some awesome photos of the grand firework 😉


- we try to accomodate as many people for free in our homes as possible. Despite of that some of you may have to book a room in a hotel or hostel. We are here to assist you with any questions you might have and we will also try to look up the most fairly priced rooms in town.

We have decided to search for a really low-priced accommodation possibility to the students or for who don’t want to pay too much for the accommodation. There is a student hostel in the 14th district of Budapest, 45 minutes from the pub the meeting will be held, and 55 minutes from the center of the town/the downtown, which is a really short trip with public transportation.

The cost of the rooms are the following :

If you would like to have a 3 bedded room then that is 15,5 euros / 3 people/night so 5 euros/person/night.
If you can find 3 more person, you can book a 4 bedded room, where you can sleep on 17 euros/4 people/night so 4,4 euros/person/night

which is the cheapest available accomodation, with a fine quality service.

If you are interested in the booking contact with AThompson.

The program:

We personally feel responsible about you having a good time once you visited our country.
Sightseeing tours will be provided for free, you can see the plan below and come to as many or as few proposals you like. (The sightseeing tours themselves are going to be free of charge, however if you would like to see an area you should finance entry fees for yourself. We are working on group discounts so you don’t have to go bankrupt on Hungarian culture.)

19th of August:

- arriving in town, people meet their hosts/ check in their booked rooms.
- getting ready for clubbing.
- 20:00 CET - ? CET clubbing 🙂

20th of August:

- 10: 00 CET Castle District, Buda
- cca. 12:30 CET arriving @ Margit-sziget (Margaret Island)
- cca. 15:00 CET (I personally suggest this appointment since I think we should spend the hottest day of time under some nice tall trees 🙂 ) Szent István Bazilika (Saint Stephen Basilica)
- cca. 16:30 CET Hősök Tere (Heroes Square)
- cca. 17:30 CET Free time 😛
- in the evening: watching fireworks, clubbing 🙂

21th of August:

plan a)
You are early birds and leave the country

plan b)
You come visit the Ráckeve aquapark with us 🙂

All hours are rather estimated than fixed, it depends on you, how much time would you like to spend at a given destination. This schedule is made upon Kita’s experience as a tour guide.

The evening party will be held at the traditional Hungarian eRepublik Meeting pub, the Vaskapu, which is fairly cheap, qualitative, big enough for 100 people to sit down and chat and drink, offers some food if you would be hungry.
The pub itself located in the downtown of Budapest, close to everything.
They have a good tame beer, traditional beverages of all kinds, long tables to talk, table footballs, armchairs, and the pub is allowing smoking, because they have a fine vent system.

There is a Facebook event made for the Meeting, if you are attending please join the event too.


There is an IRC channel for the Meeting on the Rizon server :



There you can ask about accommodation, travelling, routes, prices, so basicly about everything related to the event.

We would like to list a few people who will participate on the event:

alpho, Bogdan Adamutz, the_mihai, Alex Craciun, ghishae, Nalaja, Manedhel, StrozeR, vingaer, Cerber, Gregory Gallangher, Baltazar8, Clueless, Kistru, oriana(kirkan), avec, Petsku,

If you are interested in participating, keep in touch with at least one of the following people and fill out the following form :

eRepublik RL meeting Form
If you have any question please contact with your country’s organizer or come to the #bpmeeting on Rizon, or PM an organizer of another country.

srnica/sekica18 - on behalf of Serbia
alpho - on behalf of Romania
Kita Skowronski / AThompson - on behalf of Hungary
Wieloryb (Wea) / Manedhel - on behalf of Poland

We hope that many of you will come to Budapest. Cya there!

Secretary General of the ONE

Secretary General: AThompson and gid1
Military Commander: angeldav
Department of International Relations : DedaNoe

In the end I would like to invite every friendly citizen of the ONE, every honorable opponent and troll to our public IRC channel on Rizon: #one.public

National translations

If you have any, please either comment or send a PM to the ONE HQ org we will put it here.