Day 740, 18:56 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Wonder Forward

Sometimes I envy other nations, they could manage presidency for second, third, even unlimited term. Being a president in eIndonesia simply couldn't do so.
I had managed 1.5 terms now, and I am simply exhausted by the load of work.

Well, this game is rather unique, since you could actually create the burden until you are crushed under its weight. But I do think that my predecessors had fair share of responsibility (and their own suffering and heroic valor as well) of making eIndonesia this big and they actually mandated me to challenge the impossible.

Well, onto my report:

This is a report on Indonesian Foreign Relationship past this month.

We are reporting per country.
But remember that this report is made after two months of slump in eIndonesia, so all the relationship must be considered having Q0 (-50😵 effect from the start.

Countries excluded in this report are none of their faults, but our administration.

We hope we have done a good job, and future CP can improve the relationship that had been established.

Beginning the end of last month, WA is released by EDEN. Australia became pro-EDEN and get closed to EDEN. Despite hardship on both sides, WF had secured NAP with Cerri, eAustralian PM.
The next phase is the reimbursement of the WA companies up to 5 months ahead.

- we need to strengthen relationship with eAustralia as a friend, not accounting EDEN or any alliance's affiliation. For that purpose, having ambassador and articles posted on eAustralia regarding about Indonesia's stance is a must.
- the anti-indonesia faction must be let to wither on their own, especially when war with SOL had ended.

We have been forgetting Argentina for the past months. This relationship had a sudden boost when Indonesia was out of PEACE and Argentina sought a bilateral alliance.
Indonesia had offered Argentina to join the "Alliance" and they had consented, but it needed more discussion to achieve that.

In the mean time, Indonesia had assisted Argentina in conquering Great Andes, and the "Alliance" had succeeded in eradicating Peru from PTOers.
Argentina agreed to send soldiers to train in Indonesia as well.
In the future, we would like to see Indonesia-Argentina MPP.

Indonesia profited from mutual relationship and tips to handle baby boomers from friendly Argentina.

- Animosity between Brazil and Argentina might be a hurdle in the future, as we saw both nations as our allies
- the death of ALA and the dysfunction of the alliance had made Brazil and Argentina main powers in latin america. Once mexican barrier had been thrown out, we hoped for a nice defense in South America against USA.
- There are 60 Argentina troopers training in Indonesia, this number could go higher and we need them as well for joint security and economy🙂

Brazillian had also been forgotten much by eIndonesian affairs. When eIndonesia got out from PEACE, Brazillian is invited to join the new "Alliance". By then, there had been mutual relationship and eIndonesia was grateful Brazil conquered Lima, and helped eIndonesia in war against Malaysia.

- The most tricky part in bridging relationship is Brazil's contention with Argentina
- The coming conflict of Brazil with Spain in neutral land of Venezuela
- RW's of Lima and several Peruvian regions must be cautioned

In the beginning of this month, we released 4 regions back to China's hand.
After that, we had no more agreement on releasing the rest of the regions: Xinjiang, Guangdong, and Fujian. We had formal talks and we see China becoming major power soon with their steady growth, their population now reached 4000, and we see Beijing become overcrowded 🙂
Their power comes from RL players who lived in HK and Guangdong.

But then relationship is shaken when Russia anticipated US' move and attacked Inner Mongolia and Jilin. We become third party in their formal negotiation, and as such, China had gained MPP with eFrance and eRomania, and desired to get Jillin back.

- Formal agreement on region return might be facilitated in short term for Xinjiang only. And with great cost to that, with DS and Hospital and many people.
- Settle the rocky relationship between China-Russia, and anticipate USA's landing on Japan and China. But China had agreed to not allow land swaps with USA.

Indonesia had promised and carried out the buying of Q5 Hospital from uNL to Podja-Estii region used for landswap by Latvia in previous day's operation.

We hope Indonesia and Estonia will continue to be friends.

The very nation that we saved during French Toast or World War II had turned back against us, and it was done in very hurtful way.
They were the one who proposed kicking us out of PEACE with votes. Sadly, their voice in PEACEgc was shallow, feeble. The votes are in favor of Indonesia staying.
But, unable to grow freely, eIndonesia decided to get out of PEACE.
Then ensuing in war against Malaysia, France had from the start supported Malaysia and even tanked against Indonesia in Sarawak battle.

Unless change in administration, there is :nohope: for eFrance.

We had sent ambassadors to Germany and received word of good relationship with eIndonesia, though we lacked of events to improve our relationship.

We hoped we had joint programme for that soon, for instance: FF Operation (see above).

Best friend forever.
We owed them a lot and we would always be their friend.
Nuff said.

- Improve and maintain relationship with their population is a must. We might need a Magyar language expert from eIndonesia soon.
- The formal exchange between governments, not only in "Alliance" forum must be done.
- Prepare for Romanian and Croats defence

eIndia and eIndonesia enjoyed good relationship. Despite no NAP agreement had been signed.
eIndia even consented eIndonesia to merge with them due to threats of PTO from Mafia Group.
But eIndonesia and eIndia put off such move in favor of the situation.

Right now PTO Threats loom large on eIndia, and they hated eIran.
They had procured region release from Iran but that would make them more vulnerable to PTO.

eIndia's future looms dark. Could eIndonesia aid them?

- eIndonesia is eIndia's friend, and we need to defend Karnataka and MP
- eIndonesia is also Iran's ally. So we need to act delicately.
- we abhor Mafia Group as PTOers and we demand them to cease their activity in eIndia.

eIran and eIndonesia had enjoyed great relationship since the beginning of PEACEgc alliance, and up to now.
Sadly, Mafia Group seek to defame current eIran government by saying that eIndonesia wish to attack eIran. This is utter nonsense.
The war with eIran was opened only because of eIran MPP with malaysia.
Though we are sad eIran still do damage on Malaysia battle, we had urged them to fight bare hands and even opened an RW to drain Iran damage.

- closer relationship is urgent, since the language barrier is a hurdle
- we need to suppress Mafia group together for South Asia stability
- Indonesia to remain friends with Iran

We warred against eMalaysia for challenge.
and we had proven we could surmount 29 MPPs, IF WE WANTED.

We procured 2.8 million damage in one day against Malaysia, and we had 560k already spent in Slavonia. Once we got Sabah and Peninsular, and almost victory in Sarawak, the Government extended hand in negotiations to eMalaysia.

We thought it was a win-win solution and peaceful end in the long term.
However... eMalaysia's noob diplomation skills, propaganda and influence from EDEN (though they thought they were neutral), ruined the chance of good ending.
They thought they would be able to get a diplomation chance when they had secured the regions.

It was a vain hope. All out War!

It was a shame we couldn't liberate flanders again.
We owe you one, eUNL.

- eUnL is joint unification of Netherlands and Belgium. Only EDEN propaganda tried to separate them.

Despite unability to continue the MPP between both Nations, Portugal had assured that eIndonesia remained their best ally.

- In grave situation, rest assured, our offer of MPP will come to aid Portugal, and our armies as well.
- Improve relationship with their players is a must.

eRussia is our great ally and friend as well.
But we had difficulties in relating with their pops, and despite after the return of WSR to them.
This cloud of animosity must cease and we seek better relationship with Russia.

- better understanding about Russia and vice versa

There's doubt that eIndonesia had forgotten about eSerbia.
That's not true at all.
We've showed you our main concern at day 737.
Nuff said :3

- Try to improve relationship by being in the chats
- Informal agreements on Indo girls and Serbian girls had been discussed, but with no concrete results. We must get this done, so we can end the girl malaise in both nations :3

Sad it might seem, rest assured that eIndonesia will be friends with Slovenia.
but we can't do MPP atm.

Keep the relationship open and warm.

We never enjoyed better relationship with eSA.
And we had proposed to renew the NAP as well with them.

- NAP renewal and talks on further region return might be discussed after NAP ended.

Possibilty of keeping them as friends, since eArgentina is friends with them.
Some people opted that we need better relationship with them in order to realize French Fries Ops.

We had joint training war with Turkey and they are our great allies as well.
We hoped we could have better relationship with them in the future.

Thank you for TW in Israel.

We desired eUK to be our ally and we applaud their sacrifice in yesterday's operation.
We hope eUK got the baby boom they desired.
We need special ambassador here.

The characteristic of PEACEgc now:
PEACEgc now, withered and left with few members, are truly defensive alliance with focus on helping anyone, anybody, who were in trouble.
This kind of attitude may reflect on Saints and Holy people, as long as they don't preach Holier Than Thou attitude. That's the kind of thing eFrance did, and it would burn them.
There's no use to be Holy (and fake Holy) if you hung on the air upside-down, and ready to plunge to hell.

Characteristic of EDEN and Brolliance
One thing I'm amazed with EDEN and Brolliance is that they had no balls whatsoever.
They are totally defensive, refuse to take advantage of so many MPPs they had on their side.
Maybe the reason was: they are traumatic of past losses against our alliance, and they had no conviction of playing game with fun and joy like we do.

EDEN, especially USA, tried to play Hero. An especially disgusting and annoying Hero who offers aid to anybody, even when the people didn't want them. RWing regions held by Alliance member, snooping and fanning propaganda into so-called neutral countries, aiming on becoming the Police of the World...

No wonder in IRL people also hated them 🙂

Another characteristic of EDEN was they are mighty selfish. Maybe that's why they are not offensive alliance. This selfishness ruined them due to wide spectrum of attitude between their members.

From old empires to PTOers young empire, to Hero playing and true brotherhood.

We had known their dissenssion and shitstorms from Poles and Croats to Spains on Peru.
Well, we chose to attack anyway, and KNOW you will be united because of thus.
Because, if EDEN is weak, always suspecting their members, it will be no fun at all.
Even the current EDEN is no fun at all, no balls and they sat there like fat cat near the heater.

Our mercy is why EDEN still alive :3, if we let them to their own means, maybe they will kill each other faster than we planned to save them 🙂

Characteristic SOL
"eIndonesia herself could beat SOL one by one - Lcfr"

Hey, maybe I quoted this wrong, but you see... SOL might need to thank us also for making them quite disciplined. Or else SOL will fail like ALA in short term 🙂

SOL will be great, only and only if, China got big and they had one 5 tops country joined them. Maybe eFrance 🙂

We had nothing to do with SOL, except fun and delight.
We'll sort them out soon, but between individual SOL nations mentioned above, we'll always be in good relationship.

That's the wonder and also weakness of Neutrality. You can be friends, but when you gather under the flag of neutrality, you become enemies.
That's weird, awkward. You even almost kicked australia, who tanked crazily yesterday LOL.

Talk about alliance...

SOL, dear SOL, you might realize why we took Sabah and Peninsular easily, and almost Sarawak (give us 1 more hour and you know who won, i know you did shake your boot and cried help to all over the world). Time to spend time thinking why you are not baby-booming now.

I made my priorities by establishing good relationship with eAustralia, eSA, eArgentina, and eIndia.

We established pacts listed below:
NAPIA act with eAustralia
NAP and region return Pact with eSA
soon, there'll be NAP with eIndia
and then, bilateral relationship with eArgentina

The four countries which had been most forgotten during the last two months.

The four countries which had been most forgotten during the last two months.

We smoothed connection with Serbia. Magyars are best friend like always. But Russia is still a distant and unknown, despite the warm and underlying friendship and solidarity.

Next president had to do good relationship with Russia, Turkey, Brazil, and Iran. Knowing them and understanding them more.
The key to solve the myriad of puzzles in relationship might rest in that understanding, by listening, and building friendship, not by rhetorics.

I made goodbye to PEACEgc when the whole community of eIndonesia realized that our goals are dead and dry.
We need to journey more to find new goals, new sparks, and I dare to say we did a good job.

We do pretty good PR in challenging Malaysia + 28 MPPs.
Most country do think we're invading a small neutral country.
But they missed the point of : why eIndonesia attempted such suicidal act.

Some said we're crazy and desperate for baby-boomers.
Baby boomers are just side-effect.
The most important thing is joy to the game.
Many said we're insane, stupid,
Impossible to win against Malaysia.

But those bickers shut up,
When the world saw what we could do when we conquered Sabah and Peninsular,
and almost Sarawak 🙂 (thank you eFrance).

That alone revived our reputation.
Nobody said we're slumbering or decaying Superpower anymore.
In that sense, we prevailed.

Thus ended reports on Foreign Relationship.

Your servant,