[Official Instructions] All Workers and All Employers Please Read!!

Day 672, 23:23 Published in India India by Indian Media and Culture
Good Day Everyone!!
Just a quick message to all of our good citizens.

After a recent discussion it has been decided that all unnecessary companies should be shutdown.
We have many companies which are just increasing the stocks.

Right now we need the weapons companies to work at full capacity. We need to get the weapons available at the cheapest rate and available for everyone.
Right now the need is to maximize the weapons productions.
This will be implemented for 1 week.

For 1 week.. our main focus should be weapons and weapons only.
This is by the order of our Finance Minister -> shail.back

This is a request from the government of eIndia to shutdown all the unnecessary companies in Food Q1, Q2, Gifts and Tickets.

If you think you are producing more than you are selling. That's the time to shut down or downgrade the productivity by loosing a few workers. If you have any questions message shail.back.
