[NSC] War Report

Day 2,185, 10:53 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

16 Shells (Mandatory listening)
Day 2185 of the New World
13 November, 2013

On day 2157, almost exactly 1 month ago, then President Josh Frost released this article elucidating the terms of peace with our erstwhile (and to some extent enduring) Polish/Spanish occupiers.

Terms of that peace called for the return of all states except Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida

A quick look at the map offers us a an opportunity to discuss several issues.

1 - Notice that as of the time this image was captured, we've accomplished the recovery of all regions (including Vermont despite its still showing Polish red) and New Hampshire is almost done. Ben & Jerry's lovers... your wait is over.

2 - Also note that the above map indicates a current Resistance War in Florida. Now that's a no-no according to our treaty. So when you see RW's pop up in any of the states listed above in bold type, either avoid them or fight against eUSA. Because we have a treaty in place, fighting against eUSA in those RW's is technically the patriotic thing to do. If you are wondering why these pesky RW's keep popping up, I'll tell you. Our enemies like to start these wars as a damage drain. It's a win/win situation for our enemies because it invites damage from eUSA fighters who are fighting to protect our treaty terms as well as damage from Spanish/Polish two-clickers who in several cases would otherwise be fighting on the same side as eUSA elsewhere. All in all, it's just best to avoid those battles entirely as they are usually a study in overkilling. Also, if you spend USD supporting one of these RW's you're throwing away your cash. So don't.

3 - Notice Baja, the glorious region containing the Saltpeter resource. According to the terms of our treaty, Poland agrees to cede the region of Baja to the United States unless a contiguous aluminium region is returned by agreement by both parties from the (aforementioned bold-type) list. Now before you start jumping up and down like a... Mexican... jumping... bean... (that was just stupid), understand that obtaining Baja is not as simple as attacking Mexico. If we did so, we'd lose our MPP status with France, Germany, Canada, Russia, Bulgaria, Japan, Indonesia, Croatia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Republic of Macedonia, and Cyprus. Add to the fact that we'd really want to make sure that Mexico is also on board with any plans, so for now Baja will remain in Mexico.

4 - Some of you will begin to wonder when we may see the return of a full 50 United States. Please understand that it is our top priority to honor the agreement we made in good faith. Nothing is more important than our honor. If and when there is any news regarding the eastern seaboard, you will learn about it directly from your Government media outlets.

It should be obvious to all by now that the International situation is in shuffle. It's time for a brief reminder about some basic guidelines for how we can succeed as a Nation.

We, as a Nation, are a team. We may wear differently colored Military Avatars, come from different political parties, and live all around the world in Real Life. But in this game, we must coordinate as a team.

Our team leadership is our elected and appointed government. Right now that's NewAzazel and his fine Cabinet. It is their job to set our course.

It is therefore good, right, and proper that we should at all times and in all places support the work of our leadership. When we choose to behave according to our own agenda in opposition to the agenda set by our leaders, we weaken our team. Make your statements heard at election time. But on the battlefield, be a good soldier and fight where our team needs damage. We are the United States of America. Unite.

I only say this because in a game like this which is by definition in a constant state of flux, rigidity is not wise. There is one thing to be rigid about: USA. Who our allies and enemies are, what our USAF supply policies are, what our taxes are... all these things need to change from time to time. I'm just asking you to absorb the changes you like less while you wait and work for changes you'd like more.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled clicking