Day 981, 15:07 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
UK and Russia play around with our regions. While most regions are still Norwegian and easy to move from, it is recommended that you move to Svalbard & Jan Mayen. This region will remain Norwegian for a while still. If you want to stay "Norwegian", this is the place to go.

UPDATE DAY 982: Just before and after 05:00 eRepublik time Nordjylland, Sorlandet and Ostlandet was occupied by Russia. Trondelag will be occupied by UK at about 12:30. You also find a situation update in our previous article. Remember to subscribe to this newspaper!

Norwegian citizen increasing his happiness by cuddling
a polar bear in the Svalbard & Jan Mayen residential district

Moving from within Norway
You will need 1 moving ticket (1 zone is enough) to move from another Norwegian region to Svalbard & JM.

Moving from outside Norway
If the region you live in is occupied/owned by a country with war against Norway, you need to move via a third neutral country. Belgium is recommended. You will then need 2 moving tickets. If you are planning on moving from outside our zone, you will need to check how many zones you need to travel before purchasing your ticket.

Buy your moving ticket(s) in the marketplace. If you can't afford them, send a message to Immigrasjonsverket and state where you are moving from and how many tickets you need. Norwegian citizens only 🙂

Do I have to move?
It's your choice, of course. Svalbard & Jan Mayen will remain Norwegian for at least 48 hours after UK or Russia eventually attacks Nord-Norge. So it will be a less unstable place for you to be under the circumstances We are in the middle of a combined bug exploit and neppons situation, so the situation in whatever is left of Norway at all times is highly unstable.

If having a secure job means more to you, then you should probably stay where you are and find work on the Russian or UK job market. You also have the option to stock up on food and simply wait out what happens next. Remember, your citizenship remains Norwegian no matter what - unless you apply for citizenship elsewhere - even if you live and work abroad.

There are few things about the current turmoill we can control at the moment. Svalbard & Jan Mayen is the place we will gather and watch how the situation evolves while we move on with the milestones in our long term strategies. Next week the elections for country president takes place, and we have to prepare for that regardless of how bad things look right now.

Call it evacuation or vacation - you are most welcome to go polar...