[Northern Ireland] AV Says Sup

Day 643, 05:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire
Hola kids,

Alliance Series

Ok, sorry to all my international subscribers for this, but this is my congress manifesto.
If you're subscribed solely for the Alliance Series, then feel free to ignore this article.
The final edition of the Alliance Series will be published in a day or two (when my AHA contact PMs me the answers to the questions I asked him)
So thanks for your patience...


First of all, listen to thisYoutube video


Tis quite nice in my humble opinion. What I mean by linking it will make sense at the end of this manifesto so please do listen 😛

I’m AltmerVampire and for the third time in a row, I am running for re-election Congress in our great region of Northern Ireland.

Lets hope I make it 3 elections victories in a row, eh? 🙂

I represent the Radical Freethinkers Alliance in Northern Ireland, here is a link to an article, which, in my opinion, explains the party a little better than most other things.

A bit about AV

I started my e-life at the very end of Malta_1990’s reign over the eUK, and immediately got thrust into the game. I became an ambassador to France a week later. I found my feet in France, making several new friends and I also joined the Navy, of which I am a commodore of. Anyway I’ve decided to cut short the ridiculously long and detailed story that is my e-life and will instead provide you with a shortened version, and a link to my wiki page.

Positions hel😛
- Commodore in the Royal Navy
- MoFA apprentice
- MoHA apprentice
- NI Congressman
- NI Armed Forces Senator
- Ex-ambassador to France, Romania, Japan and the United Netherlands
- Ex-RFA Party Press Executive
- Ex-RFA Other Parties ambassador

What that list tells you is I basically work incredibly hard 😛
And I will work incredibly hard, as ever, as a congressman working for you, the people of Northern Ireland, but not only that, all of the UK.

Northern Ireland

As you may or may not know, I helped re-set up the Northern Ireland Senate, along with several of my rivals in this election. To be perfectly honest, I think some of my competitors deserve to get in, and I genuinely hope they do. Northern Ireland can not go wrong in this election. All the competitors are fantastic and I am genuinely pleased to be competing against them.

If I’m re-elected what will it mean for Northern Ireland?
If I’m going to be perfectly honest, it will make no difference. If I am elected or not I will continue to work my hardest to make the Senate succeed (I urge all Northern Ireland-ers to sign up to the eUK forums and the NI forums). I will continue to PM people in Northern Ireland and continue to write articles encouraging people to join our great regional forum and have a go at joining the Senate.

The UK

I’ve done two terms of being a congressman for the UK. I have been around for the greatest decisions the country has made for months and I am proud to say I have voted on them, in the interests of the people. I believe we need as much continuity as possible, meaning, at least this month, we need people who are as up-to-date in UK politics as possible.
Due to my expertise in foreign affairs, I believe I am one of the best people you could elect to help the country through the difficult time it is going through.


Everyone who knows me, knows that I am an incredibly friendly guy, a shockingly hard worker and that I love my real life home of Northern Ireland. I hope you, the people of NI, my friends, will give me a chance to once again work for your benefit.

So thank you for the chances you have given me so far, I hope I haven’t let you down, and I hope you will let me show my gratitude to Northern Ireland once again.

I’m never good at writing manifestos to be honest… So please forgive this rather crappy one. I try to write from the heart, and I hope it comes across here. Which is why I linked that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFOW8sB4qm8&feature=channel_page video It makes sense to me, in this situation. Watching it, I hope you understand what I mean, if I don’t make it clear in my own words.

Thank you for listening Northern Ireland 🙂
Feel free to add me as a friend, using this link, or PM me a question 🙂

And vote for the best candidate, whether you believe that is me or not.

And very finally, join the UK forums and IRC. Hope to see you soon 🙂

Thanks for reading, 🙂
Hoping to have your vote on the 25th