Day 848, 08:47 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Wonder Forward
I am warning you EDEN alliance for the last time, because I care for your welfare,

I have been putting all my effort to save you all this time!
Saving you from your petty in-fighting and bickering!
You don't know the hell I put up through to make you stay intact!
But now, seeing how bad you claw one another,
I decide I won't put up with a child that won't grow up and keep making the same stupid mistake!

Time to walk on your own.
But I'm gonna give you final advice.
If you put another series of epic fail again, I won't even comment. I will shut up my eyes, and be silent. I no longer care if you are in jeopardy.

So, heed carefully what I want to tell you. For your own good.

First of all, please realize that Indonesia had been your good enemy and also, a the same time, your noble caretaker. We are not credited or ever given thanks, but no probs. We are not searching for credit here like your eUSA.

We're happy and content,
As long as we had a good fight, and worthy fight,
We're not entertained when we had to witness epic fail by epic fail.


I will be a bit long-winded in my advice, for a good advice is a good story. Heed carefully.

When people mentioned that Indonesia is the Father and Mother of PEACEgc,
I am not proud at all.
It was meant to be. (Note that this is not pompous or arrogant).
We are meant to be at the right place on the right era with the right spirit.

When we saved Hungary, France (curse France for electing Lynne or Mathieu Bonnie!), Serbia, German, turned around Argentina and German again, then we convert UK then saved German again (boy, german is getting handful here... need to be saved again but we WILL save 'em), then save Slovenia (thanks eUSA) just this week,

We are not proud at all.
It's just what friends are for.

I remembered the day when I quitted PEACEgc right after we got expelled from American Continent. We got fed up of doing some baby-sitting for 27 countries and we got fed up by the French Moralist shit who know nothing of fun, just for the sake of lulzing Malaysia.

Boy what a fun of 1 vs 27 MPP and still won 2/3 of the region. And this Malaysian had the guts to say no to my peace proposal? Well, I admired their bravery.
But one month afterwards, I could still remember how I laughed till I jerked off that time, when somebody forwarded me Nazygee saying (conspicuously) on IRC that he was so regretful that he didn't sign the treaty that time with me. What a wuss!

Oh, ignore those sissy SOL members.
They are the best on surviving like Chameleon: Mimick this, mimick there. Ally this ally there. Cry help me, please aid me. India, China, Australia, South Afrika, they all belong on the same group.
Now, they are in EDEN's clutch, but you know what, once your brand's real value started to go down, they left you so fast that you couldn't believe that they even existed in the first place.

So much for SOL so called friendship...

Where was I, oh yeah... I remembered the day when I quitted PEACE gc, many other nation followed us suit. They say, "Indonesia is the father and mother of alliance."
"I say, hell yeah. If you want lulz, follow us." Lulz and lulz, Phoenix is born, then France got what they deserved, and then we almost had MPP with Spain (yup. You heard that right. RoTo Alliance!)


But all this time, ALL this time,
You just don't know that Indonesia is ALSO THE MOTHER AND FATHER OF EDEN.

Yup. You heard that right. Indonesia had helped and nurtured EDEN beyond the cradle and even the graves!
We always helped you guys when YOU ARE IN TROUBLE! We are your dearest and most kindest mother and father!

From the first time you are born, wrecked and divided after our some sparring in WSR I, II, and III with us, do you think we desert you? Hell no!

We Make Sure, Ensured, Guaranteed, Nurtured, and and Even Educated, Trained, Spanked, then Handed to You! One of Your Most Valuable Member!

Yeah, I'm talking about eUSA and eCanada!
You see, back then, in July 2009,
At that time, we saw this pompous eUSA and Canada was pitching their alliance so-called FORTIS (what a sickening name), and then Brolliance (what a gay name).
We Indonesia were like, "What?!! You wanna separate from EDEN! Hell no you won't!"

But we realized on the same time that even if we did make eUSA joined EDEN: they are so stupid in game mechanics, so self-aware-moralist, so.... divided,
Their leaders are so ineffective, corrupt, selfish...

Even before ATLANTIS dissolved, you remembered that during WSR I, eUSA was so busy in Taco Bell Operation (another of their inane genetic stupidity) that they forgot to help Romania dealing with Indonesia.

Then ATLANTIS decided to fine USA and what did USA say?
"Okay. Fine us! We don't care!"
You see, punishment don't simply put the message in their wormy brain.

So we thought of straightening them up. This time, we will SHOCK them so much that they will turn more United! More dignified! Through fire and hell and torture, we will teach them game mechanics, will teach them how to fight with decent coordination, we will filter their leaders, behead the ineffective ones,

and we DID that!

We gave you decent eUSA as a good member! Effeminate Canadian don't count, but they are good at barricading their continental friend.

We saved you time and time again.
EVERYBODY, I mean literally, EVERYBODY knows that if PEACE or PHOENIX lets you alone for say, 1 month, or 6 weeks, you'll soon clawing one another like shit.

You want me to iterate some examples:

We have coordinated attack on Slavonia on monthly basis. Whence there was some rumor on EDEN's backstage clawing and feud, we would quickly tell each other, "You go battle here, I will incite here, you attack here. Money is of no matter. What matterz is lulz and EDEN."

You have no idea how much stress I were involved on the day I attacked Malaysia and destroyed Sabah and Peninsular.

We devoted 500k damage, shed 3000 gold, arranged 15 multiple battles, paid more RWs than anybody can imagine, just to make sure Croats & Poles don't claw Spain and USA.

Now that Slavonia is no longer a trend, we were very happy when you seemed coordinated enough when you did Battle of Kyushu and Liaoning. But after that, it was disappointment after disappointment.

I remember when Poland and Croats were hurt when Spain defended Argentina in Peru vs Argentina War. Who do you think mended your relationship? IT WAS SLAVONIA for christ sake which we put with 100% knowledge that it will make you pat and hug warmly once again!

Just when you were to break apart, we make UK insolent enough to burn you guys together as a team to attack London. But you, once again, failed.

Never mind, when eRumania wanted to bully the way through Bulgaria, again your prodigal member, eUSA did their own grand plan in Northern Cape.

And now this Sindh shit and Slovenia cawing and bawling!
Stop squabbling and be a gentleman!
Give punishment if necessary but don't hit the nerve!

You too, eUSA!
You have no shame of burning sweat-and-blood worthy of gold,
Just to prove your senseless shenanigans!
Not only you act alone, selfish, ignorant,
You let yourself revert back to its degenerated, primitive, and prehistoric state!

I've had enough of you squabbling and bickering, whereas you were great nations and worthy enemies, and great donator of eRepublik gold auction, but only earning meager victory.

I say curse your bought gold. For it brought arrogancy and selfish ulterior motive that wrecked the alliance!

Whereas Phoenix, I may say, are not free of fault as well.

I denounce those upper brass who merely seek to ignore our true needs and friendship.
Do not just go for medal collection and jousted one another for who could make the most medals,
But try to think like the Complete EDEN for Christ sake!

The Perfect EDEN who could do things unselfishly!
I denounce, even eIndonesia herself, if any PHOENIX nations couldn't send solid and strong mobile troops to help one another.

I applaud Serbia who acted unselfishly all this time, while at the same time always get bitter jeer and punches from their own Phoenix members.

For Roto's sake! When they helped you, you cry foul! But when you are without them, you plead for reinforcement! Do you worth their help? Their reinforcement? If you do, HELP THEM BACK!

I curse the silence and reluctance to say what they want; and be regarded seriously.
C'mon guys, we're brothers in here, but we mean business.

I'm not surprised to see Phoenix will fare more badly against EDEN, as long as you gave EDEN much reason to unite.

And I'm not surprised as hell to see if there will be NEW alliance soon.

So think about this folks, as a bitter medicine.
But bitter medicine could cure.

Don't you dare report abuse this, as I speak the truth. Not insult or spam. Give it a ponder.
If you like it subscribe the idea for better alliance.
I love you EDEN, and you too Phoenix.