[NNA] Awards!

Day 666, 05:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association
The New award Scheme

The eUK has many journalists, but few ways to awards the great work many of them produce on a regular basis. Recently, the National Newspaper Association, operated by the Ministry of Home Affairs has been going through some changes. Since the establishment of the media division in the MoHa, various ideas and systems have been and are going to be introduced to make Journalism in the eUK more rewarding, competitive, and fun.

Individual article awards

Not only shall newspapers be awarded, but individual articles can be awarded with a Bronze,


Or Gold medal.

These medals will be awarded to writers during the week, and, people can send nominations during the week to the National Newspaper Association org. A weekly record of which articles received medals shall be released in the Weekly Roundup. The MoHa, or the uMoHa of media can grant articles medals. The writer shall be contacted and the medal can be displayed in the Article. The medal will be linked to the National Newspaper.

Newspaper Awards

The NNA Shall award Newspapers with Bronze, Silver, or Gold status. When a paper is granted the award, it shall be announced in the weekly roundup. The NNA Team will keep records of who has achieved what award, which will be open to the public, so anybody who wants to include the banners in their articles without having achieved the status will be caught.
The medals for newspapers look like this;




The symbol will be included in articles the journalist writes for the awarded paper, and shall be hyperlinked to the National Newspaper.

NNA’s Golden Papers

Following the announcement of the eUK’s favourite 15 Journalists, the Media team at the MoHa have granted 6 papers the Golden status, and 9 papers silver status. Nominations for Bronze are open.

Gold Papers
The People’s Gazette
The Economist
The Dead Mans Journal
The Maltese Falcon
Mr Cool
And, The Prime Ministers Paper

Silver papers
Altmer Vampire
Final Destiny
UK’s Finest
Sir Digby
John Forseti

That’s not all!

We also plan to run and award writers with a monthly set of awards based around journalism. Specific articles and writers track records as a whole will be awarded, with an array of different prizes rewarding all things from the political commentaries to the down right silly. On the 30th of every month, the awards shall be announced through the National Newspaper and a record kept on the forums.

Thanks to Karacticus and Malta for their fine image skills.
disclaimer; NNA can grant and revoke status should the MoHa media team see it neccessary. So keep writing good!

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NNA Media Team.